Inpu my love<3

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(What if Inpu died during the fight with SR instead of Bryan?)

His body felt sore, each muscle felt like it was on fire and all he could hear was white noise. A soft groan escaped him as he tried to adjust to harsh wake up.

It felt as if he had been asleep for years.. his eyes flickered open, ears flicking as his body was forced into sensory stimulation after what felt like forever.

A blurry figure sat in front of him, despite his fuzzy and unclear eyes he knew who it was instantly. The rose gold hair, the fair skin, the white elegant suit, his large white wings. It was his beloved, his newly wed. His husband, Bryan.

"Bryan?.." he mumbled, sitting up however feeling sharp pain shoot through his entire body. His hearing started to clear, everything slowly melting together. The soft sound of water beneath the thick heavy sobs in front of him, he was on Bryan's bridge. But why? Had he tripped on a loose plank and passed out?

"D-Dear, be careful!" Bryan fumbled, his hands shaky as he gently guided Inpu into a sitting position. Unable to refrain from loud and quick sobs, yet sobs of relief. For five years he was alone again, trapped in his house again in isolation and loneliness.

The Rose tried to kill Bryan, it almost worked, his soul crystal straining and struggling, and just before it shattered, Inpu stepped in. It was all too quick, but next thing he knew both Inpu and the seductive Rose lay on the floor in-front of him.

And now here Inpu was again. His death broke him, once again he let SR kill another person he loved. He promised himself he would never let SR hurt anyone again, especially his husband, and now it had killed Inpu.

But he had fixed it, he wasn't able to kill the Rose himself, he was too stupid to finish his problems and yet again his husband had to step in and solve everything for him. And it killed him, but Bryan had finally done it, five years of solidarity and heartbreak finally had a meaning.

He had brought Inpu back.

Inpu's senses finally came to him, his vision, his feelings, a few muffled memories. All he could remember from that night was the Rose's evil laugher and seeing Bryan struggle under it's power.

Yet it seemed all over? And there his husband was. His rose gold hair, his fair skin, his white elegant suit, his large white wings...

His wings?

Bryan seemed as he remembered, yet his prideful wings that he groomed and maintained each day had disappeared. "Hun? Where are your wings?" Inpu asked weakly, feeling Bryan's arms wrap around him in a tight grip, soft kisses pressed into his face. "Inpu darling, when we fought the Rose, i-it was too strong, we were all struggling and it was horrible.

It hurt you so bad, it was so horrible, we couldn't save you." Bryan sobbed, keeping Inpu in a tight embrace, his head resting on Bryan's neck so he couldn't see the quick tears falling yet he could hear his broken breaths. His hands ran down Bryan's back, feeling his spine where previously his wings rested yet now his back was empty. "I died?" Inpu asked in confusion.

Bryan vigorously nodded, shoulders tensing as he cried even harder. "It's been five years my love" Bryan told him, wiping his eyes to look at Inpu to try explain the whole confusing situation. Inpu's heart stopped, momentarily this time instead of permanently. He had been dead for five years?

"But dear.. what does that have anything to do with your wings?" Inpu repeated, overwhelmed by the such sudden news he just needed to change the subject. Bryan's eyes were distraught and watery, yet a small grateful smile on his face looking at his husband alive once again.

"It was so awful without you Inpu, i missed you every day, i couldn't live without you. I tried everything to bring you back, and nothing worked. So i made a deal with Goddess Hera, i traded my wings for you Inpu, and you're back!" Bryan told him, despite explaining the challenging sacrifice he had a smile plastered on his face throughout each word.

"Oh Bryan.. love.. you shouldn't have." Inpu told him, accepting another tight hug from his husband again. "I needed to, i couldn't bare it without you my love, it was all so miserable. I'd choose you over my beauty any day." Bryan told him, kissing his cheeks yet again, only wanting to smother him with his love now he was back and show him all the affection he had missed.

"Let's go inside ok? You need to rest.. you seem in pain" Bryan told him, gently helping the Jackal to his feet as he winced and stumbled, yet was supported by his husband. He almost seemed entirely human, yet his godly beauty remained. Sure Inpu noticed, however what he noticed more was Bryan's compassion and truly loveable and caring personality hadn't left with his wings.


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