Night shift

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(Yes theres a TON of 'overworked Arti' oneshots, even i've wrote one however i'm re-writing the idea as now the series ended we actually have more base to make the stories accurate and not just 'night shifts at the cafe!' Which isn't realistic as the cafe's a school club)

(I have no idea what part time job Artemis would work so it's not mentioned, just imagine ur own..)

"You're gonna get us caught RikKu!!" Shino scolded, running back to the dorms with RikKu on his heel. "I'm sorry!!" She quickly replied, wiping the blood away from her knee quickly as she ran behind him.

It was pretty simple what happened. Chibi coven where on their usual patrol around the streets when RikKu got lost, she had forgot to charge her ear piece last night meaning she also lost communication with the other vigilante's. She ended up panicking and tripping over a curb and scuffing her knee, nothing too serious however that meant while the others continued their route Shino had to go find her.

But in the world of vigilanting mistakes like this can be dire. Chibi coven had to be back at 2am sharp, it was currently 2:10. So they were rushing home in hopes they weren't caught by any police, or worse, their roommate.

2am was important. Dorm 8 was the designated vigilante dorm as 2/3 of the residents were vigilante's and the other would leave at 9 at night and return at 2 in the morning, so it made it easy for the group to gather and congregate at their dorm once Artemis had left, store their uniforms there and charge all their equipment.

Artemis's shift ended at 2am. Yes 2am, sure the cafe club paid but not well, they were actually under the allowed minimum wage as their technically weren't employed. So Artemis quickly realised that a school club salary wasn't enough to provide for school necessities, food for the dorm, fabric for his sewing, even bus money!

So he reluctantly had to look into a part-time job, he couldn't get a 9-5 as he had school, so he settled for a night shift. Nothing that he wasn't too affected by, he usually stayed up till 1-2 each night, just less enjoyable. Obviously Shino told him he didn't have to, however he couldn't deny the opportunities this opened up for the chibi covern.

Shino practically flung the door open, looking around to realise the dorm was untouched. Both Shino and RikKu let out a long sigh of relief, Artemis wasn't home yet. Shino had never been happy Artemis had been kept back. But they couldn't relax as they had to idea when Arti would be home and they couldn't message as it would give away that they were awake.

"Sit down!" Shino told RikKu, closing the door and running into the kitchen and clumsily pulling out a small box with alcohol wipes and bandaids, grabbing one wipe and a bandaid before running back to RikKu. He quickly wiped the blood away from her knee causing her to yelp in pain and shoved a bandaid on it, "okok! Go to your room and pretend your asleep!" Shino quickly told her, throwing away the wipe as RikKu ran downstairs, just as she reached the last step the door opened.

Artemis was home, Shino practically froze, quickly kicking the medkit under the couch in an attempt to hide it. "Oh! Shino, you're up?" Artemis yawned, rubbing his eyes as he stud in the doorway. "Yeah, i was just getting a drink and realised you weren't home and decided to wait for you" Shino replied nonchalantly, despite the anxious beating of his heart.

Artemis smiled in reply "awww Shino, that's sweet" he told him, closing the door and covering his mouth as he yawned again. "You look exhausted hun.." Shino commented, Artemis fixing his hair with his hand. "Yeah, some rude customers keeping us back 15 minutes, people can be so mean!" Artemis complained as Shino approached and wrapped his arms around him.

"Maybe you should take a break?" Shino suggested, Artemis draping his arms over his shoulders as his face fell into Shino's chest. "I can't Shino, you should know this, i-i have to be able to afford my share of the food for the dorm and i have to pay you and everyone else back for all the help and-" Artemis reasoned with him however was quickly shushed. "Hey, you don't have to pay me back! I offered to buy stuff for you because i wanted to help you out, that was my choice and you don't have to repay it. I love you Arti, i'm sure everyone else thinks the same" shino explained to him.

Artemis just sighed. "I know, i just feel bad. I don't wanna be dependant on everyone for stuff! I wanna be able to buy my own things and i wanna be able to afford to take you out on nice little dates and buy people nice gifts and stuff" Artemis huffed, receiving a giggle from Shino. "You're so sweet Arti. I think you're an amazing person" Shino told him, his words genuine as he kissed Arti's cheek, seeing the blush form.

"Thank you, you're so cute" Artemis smiled, returning the kiss by kissing Shino on the forehead. "I'm serious though, take a break and get some rest" Shino told him, his voice becoming less happy and more stern yet soft. Artemis didn't reply for a moment, sighing as he left his arms fall from Shino's shoulders to his forearms. "I wanna be someone Shino." Artemis told him solemnly

Shino's face dropped, it always upset him knowing how low Artemis's self-confidence was. "You are someone Arti. You're an amazing designer, a brilliant friend, the most caring boyfriend, you're a strong hero, you're diplomatic with a strong sense of morality and you're considerate, creative and honest. I think that's more then enough love" Shino told him, Artemis leaning back slightly to dab tears from his eyes.

"An 'I love you' would've worked hun, you didn't make to make me cry!" Artemis told him with a smile, kissing him gently which Shino returned. "You deserve to hear how amazing you are" Shino shrugged, Artemis couldn't take his smile off his face. "What does diplomatic even mean?" He chuckled, pulling Shino back into a hug. "Oh god you're delirious from being so tired! Go to bed!" Shino joked, spinning him slightly towards the direction of the stairs to his room.

"Ah!! I'm not even that tired" Artemis protested, catching his footing so he didn't trip. "You walked in yawning so much i thought your jaw would snap off. Why were you kept behind anyways?" Shino asked him, Artemis scoffed as the irritating event resurfaced in his mind. "Apparently boys can't wear jewellery so this lady complained about me!" Artemis rolled his eyes, putting his hands on his hips in annoyance.

"Oh? That's just stupid, i'm sorry that happened Arti" Shino replied to him, one hand on his shoulder in order to comfort him, Artemis sighed with a smile and moved his hands from his hips to cross his arms. "It's okay.. just annoying, either way i get to keep wearing my jewellery so" Artemis smiled victoriously, his expression making Shino chuckle. "Let's worry about that later though. Go to bed, and call in sick to work for a few days and take a break." Shino told him

"But Shino-" "not optional Arti." Shino interrupted him, receiving a pout however no argument in protest. "Ok.. b-but you go to sleep too ok?" Artemis agreed in defeat, Shino smiling. "Ok, goodnight silly" he told him. "Night cutie" Artemus replied, both of them sharing a quick kiss before heading to their own rooms.

Shino quickly checked on RikKu to make sure she was ok, she was already asleep in her pyjamas meaning he didn't have to worry about being caught anymore and decided to just go to bed.

Neither of the woke up Artemis in the morning, instead Shino called into Monarch Academy saying he was sick and to stay the day off and left him in bed. Sure school was a little more boring without Artemis it was better he was looking after himself and catching up on missed sleep, by the time RikKu and Shino got home Artemis was still asleep. He didn't go into work as well, just getting a much needed day to himself which was much appreciated.

(I <3 writing subtly toxic Artino. Kolno and Artino is basically just which Shino you prefer, if you prefer Shino being in a toxic relationship or being the toxic one in the relationship, you can guess which ones which. It's okay i love them both though!!)

(Anways!! Going back to school tomorrow, so this ones a shorter one cuz i don't think i'll do as many 5000 word oneshots anymore cuz they'll take longer to write now ☹️☹️)

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