Night out (MHO)

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(Decided to have a break from the angst again to let everyone catch their breaths. I'll probably do angst then add a break often just incase it becomes too much but let me know if you just want me to continue the angst and follow the storyline 24/7)

Artemis stayed at Venus's for a few hours. Luckily he wasn't badly hurt, just a bit beat up. Artemis told the pro heroes about staying with Amare, the pro's began trying to track down Amare's location to imprison him again.

Artemis agreed to letting Shino let everyone know he had returned. Straight away his friends flooded into dorm 8 to wait for them.

The plan was simple, when Artemis was ready Shino would walk him back to the dorm and he could meet everyone there. Artemis took a few moments to compose himself however he was excited to see everyone.

-Shino's POV-

"Do you think they'll all be mad?.." Artemis asked me timidly. I knew he felt awful, he told me all the time ever since i picked him up from Amare's how much he regretted leaving. I felt awful for him, at least now he was all patched up and fine.

"Definitely not silly. They're all worried, that's all" i smiled at him, trying my hardest to reassure him as possible. I just wanted him to be ok. I took his hand and squeezed it gently as he smiled "i love you so muchhhh!" He sang, kissing my cheek as i giggled

"I'm being serious! You're so kind and you're so great and you treat me so well and you're so handsome and caring and you're the best boyfriend ever!!" He rambled, i kept on giggling as i kissed his cheek, pulling him into a hug "you're so cute" I whispered to him as he kissed me again.

We eventually made it to the dorm, i clicked open the door for him and we stepped inside. The crowd of people in the dorm gasped, it was the cafe club and a few other people including Blake, Jack, Kiyo and Sapphire. RikKu immediately stud up and practically tackled Artemis into a hug

Arti hugged her back tightly as she sniffed and cried
"I-I missed you so much!! W-We were so worried!" She gasped, hugging Arti less tightly as he wiped her tears "I'm so sorry RikKu.." he mumbled, hugging her again.

Shizu ran over and hugged Arti next, "at least you're back!! And you're ok! So that's all that matters" Shizu smiled, taking RikKu's hand comfortingly as Arti nodded with a smile.

Eventually everyone had greeted Arti with a hug or nice words, honestly it was nice. Just to have to many people come round just to make sure Arti was ok, i mean it's not everyday someone you know just randomly goes missing.

"I can't believe you just lived in a forest for three days straight" Blake mumbled, Arti giggled and looked at me slightly. "Uh.. Actually.. I-I stayed with Tyrant.." Arti replied, making the room fall silent

"You stayed with your dad?.." Jack asked, everyone slightly in shock. Arti seemed to tense up slightly and avoid eye-contact, i walked over to him and kissed his cheek and he replied with a smile to me.

"Oh my god is that why you're so hurt?" Sapphire asked with concern, Arti just nodded, clearly wanting to avoid the topic of his dad hurting him.
"I mean what did you expect? Tyrant literally kills people-" Iris started, Clover elbowing them in the stomach as the winced and stopped what they were saying.

"You should go to the police, if you know where Tyrant lives they can track him down!!" RikKu added, Blake nodding in agreement "I-I already told the pros about it.." Artemis replied "We barely even know where the house is, i only found him cuz he were both just aimlessly running around the forest"
I added, trying to ease the tense room

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