Fuck you (MHO)

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(Sorry to everyone who liked Amare hope u all survive)

Artemis fell asleep at Amare's that night. He woke up in a random bed with a red blanket on him and his phone on charge next to him. He had planned to be home by now.

Artemis actually willingly stayed at Amare's. Deep down he knew it was wrong, he knew it would go wrong but he finally felt comfortable. He finally had his dad, his dad finally wasn't trying to hurt him.

Artemis wore some of Amare's spare clothes for the day. The day was great, Artemis had breakfast made for him and was welcomed into the house. Amare explained the locks on each room were because he often had visitors. That was uncomfortable for Arti

Amare's house was practically in the middle of nowhere. Making it perfect for villain meetings, meaning often times villains would come around and stay at Amare's in they were in danger. Amare had practically made his own league of villains with how often certain people frequented the house.

Artemis hid in his room when a villain came over to visit Amare. He was absolutely terrified, the villain only stayed for an hour and a half. Amare came to get Artemis when he left "sorry, our guest needed some training. Can you come help me tidy all the equipment away?" Amare asked as Artemis nodded

They entered Amare's garden. It was massive, well that's because it was only really the forest that Amare just put a fence around to claim as his own. There were a few trees however mainly Amare had cleared it out to make it more suitable for training

"Actually, now that we're here... i did promise you i'd do some quirk training with you." Amare smiled. In all honesty, he could easily pack it all away by himself. However, he had told Artemis he could help him train his quirk and that's what he wanted to do.
He brought Artemis down there with full intention to train.

Artemis reluctantly agreed

And that's what they did. Artemis had been at Amare's for two days now, waking up on his third day. He hadn't replied to any calls or messages, he felt to ashamed to tell people he was with tyrant.

But Artemis couldn't lie the training was helpful. It was different to how they did it at Monarch.
Amare taught Artemis how to use his quirk under stress, when he felt absolutely low. And honestly his quirk was more powerful. It was difficult to control his quirk when he felt overwhelmed by anger or sadness however when he did he was powerful.

Amare was so proud. So proud to see Artemis could use his anger to make him stronger, it helped that Artemis had all of that negative emotion bottled up

He did physio too, worked on his stamina. He already had good reflexes. However Amare was stronger, during this he would get absolutely obliterated. If hurt so bad. He hated pushing his quirk and his body and it hurt, but Amare continued to push him.

-Artemis's POV-

I drowsily woke up. Today marked 3 days i'd been at Amare's. First day was great, i felt comfortable and he was super kind! Second day was alright, he focused a lot more on training and now i felt to painful and achy.

Amare hadn't made breakfast, I didn't want to intrude and use Amare's kitchen without his permission so I just shrugged it off.

Amare had company. I didn't even realise, the living room was locked and i could hear two other people talking to Amare. "What are you gonna do about the boy?" One of them asked "do you mean Artemis?" Amare questioned. That got my attention

I stud by the door making sure I couldn't be seen as i listened in. "Well. He's definitely strong, he's got good reflexes and a strong quirk. He's a good fighter, bit of a leader. Only real issue is he's got tight morals, doesn't wanna hurt anyone." Amare described me. What did he mean issue?.. he was fine about me wanting to be a hero? He said he wasn't much of a villain anymore?... the training was all for the hero course wasn't it?

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