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(Believe it or not this isn't actually Shino angst. Dw there will be more of that soon but rn i have over priorities...
Have i already done this idea? Yes. However i really want to add as realistic autistic representation into my books as possible. I'm aware Artemis isn't canonically autistic but i feel that not only is he very Lana del Rey coded i think he's autistic/Neurodivergent coded!! I think RikKu probably has some form of ADHD and Shino probably has a sensory or dissociative disorder! And i'd like to show that more, so heres another chapter about Arti's autism cuz we 💗 autistic Arti)

Artemis was shaken awake, he groaned as the sun hit his eyes. "Arti!! Wake up! We're gonna be late" RikKu whispered to him, still shaking him as he rubbed his eyes and awkwardly grabbed his glasses. "Hmmmm, I'm not going innnn" he turned over and closed his eyes again "mmmm! Cmonnn! Shino will get annoyed if i don't wake you up! Plus you'll be in trouble" RikKu tried convincing him. He sighed and sat up "i'll see you in a few minutes.." he mumbled as RikKu smiled and left his room, already in uniform.

Artemis pulled his uniform on, grabbing his phone and checking the time. Shit, he definitely had overslept. He quickly ran downstairs after putting his phone in his pocket to see Shino and RikKu waiting for him "Arti!! We need to be at school in a minute" Shino told him as he ran down both flights of stairs "i know i know!! Just let me clean my teeth!" He yelled back before slamming the door.

The spat his toothpaste into the sink as he heard RikKu yell from upstairs "ARTEMIS! HURRYYY".
His heart was quick and adrenaline flowed through him, he was stressed out from the sudden change from being asleep to now rushing to get ready. He quickly wiped his mouth and ran upstairs,

"Okok!! Lets go!!" He said, RikKu already standing outside with the door open and he ran outside to join her "Ah! Breakfast!!" Shino said sternly, however his tone soft and caring. Artemis smiled, quickly kissing Shino's cheek before running back into the dorm and grabbing a slice of toast before running back out
"We don't have time for kisses!! Come on we're super late!" RikKu compained, Artemis groaned in annoyance "i know i know! Stop rushing me it's stressing me out!!" He whined, trying not to raise his voice however he could feel his breath get caught in his lungs and his breathing would become shaky as a consequence.

Shino sighed, he wasn't someone who would often panic about being late however RikKu's education was important to her so he wouldn't judge. "Ok, lets calm down. RikKu we're fine, Avian isn't too tight on being late, we won't be more then 10 minutes" Shino comforted, wrapping an arm around Artemis as Arti smiled, Shino kissing his forehead then walking forwards with RikKu, Artemis joining them as he ate his breakfast on the way.

The arrived at Monarch's door "shit, i forgot my bag!" Artemis gasped, realisation dawning on him. He groaned, rubbing his face irritatedly. "Oh, its alright silly, all you'll need for today is a pen and maybe a pencil.. plus RikKu carries an entire craft store on her for school, you can just borrow one of hers" Shino smiled gently, he picked up on Artemis's stress and slightly overwhelmed. RikKu nodded, pulling a pen out of her bag and passing it to Artemis, he took it from her with a smile.

They entered Monarch, the corridors busy and lively with students talking and scattering each section of the corridor, their voices echoing off the walls creating a loud buzz in Artemis's ears. He winced slightly, walking slightly behind Shino as they made their way to their first lesson. Artemis awkwardly rubbed the sleeve of his shirt, feeling anxious about the large crowd of people.

However they made it to their first lesson and sat down, Homeroom with Avian. They weren't too late either which was good, Shino and Artemis made their way to the back of the room while Artemis sat at the front, Shino giving Artemis a reassuring smile as the two sat in their assigned seats.

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