And they were roommates

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(I wish there was more of them just being in love brooo)

Sure Artemis was obvious, not very socially aware and rather naïve, but he wasn't completely obvious

He saw how Shino was different with him then most people he hung out with. He saw the small things, how Shino would pose with a peace sign in-front of his face or a thumbs up yet in pictures with Artemis he would just smile.

He saw how Shino would have a small smile whenever he was with others, a smile sure but nothing too happy, yet when he was with Artemis his smile was wider and more natural.

He saw how Shino looked at him, his eyes softening and his look was gentle and full of love, he couldn't explain it but it was different then every other look. His smile was soft yet genuine, his eyes were warm and loving and his laugh was more real and kinder.

He saw it all. Each time he'd accidentally lock eyes with Shino in a lesson and see his gaze soften as the small smile paint his face before glancing back at the teacher made his stomach flutter, his heart beating quicker and his face felt warmer

Every time Shino would genuinely laugh whenever he was with him it felt like he was on a rollercoaster doing spins and flips yet at the same time floating. It was a strange contrast between calm and the storm, on the outside becoming genuinely calm yet inside freaking out.

He could tell Shino was more authentic when he was with him, he noticed all the little things and he loved it yet it was his little secret. He knew Shino didn't know that he noticed, always pretending not to be flustered over the caring actions to save his ego.

He knew Shino lied to him, he knew Shino was private and reserved. He knew when Shino lied and he knew when Shino was off, he could always tell, his gut would drop with a heavy concern whenever Shino done something slightly off. Artemis's gut was always right, he knew when something was wrong.

Yet he didn't force it, never pressed Shino on the issue, he knew doing that would only strain their relationship as Shino would feel pressured. So he let him lie, let him decide when he was going to open up, let him move at his own pace. He know it was working as Shino slowly began to open up about some things. Shino even told him he appreciated not being pressured to talk about stuff.

So Artemis didn't point out the difference, incase it threw him off and put him out his comfort zone, plus he enjoyed the more genuine relationship between them so he didn't want to risk ruining it. He loved the way Shino could so easily fluster him with his smile, and he loved the fact Shino believed he didn't notice it.

If only he knew Shino knew he knew. Obviously Shino didn't tell him he wasn't to subtle with knowing, he enjoyed watching him believe that he was completely clueless to Artemis knowing. He loved watching him yet slightly flustered over it yet excited like it was a little secret he had.

Shino didn't even do it intentionally, just sometimes catching himself genuinely laughing when he was around Artemis. He just decided not to stop himself from being sincere, not wanting to stop himself from finally feeling happy with someone.

Sure Shino had crushes, but he never had truly been in love. He was attracted to Kol, he was attracted to some girls, but he was in love with Artemis. That caring affection where you feel completely vulnerable around someone in the best way possible.

He loved watching Artemis think he was was ahead of Shino, getting excited over little things thinking he was surprising and protecting Shino.

But maybe both of them were obvious. Because it was so obvious they they of knew. Everyone knew except from them that they both were aware

RikKu used to place bets on who would let it slip first that they both knew what was going on, however none of they ruining the surprise as honestly they all enjoyed making fun of them more it.

Either way it was a small thing they had between each other, and they loved it, they loved the idea that the other was completely obvious to how much they loved them. It was an exciting little secret they had and they thought the others reaction was cute.

(This was a shite filler chapter but guess whats gonna be uploaded next? First chapter of new au wink wink)

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