Shattered boundaries (MHO)

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(See this healthy relationship? Fuck it up.)

Highschool. Full of flashy lights for some and face masks and self care for others, normally Shino wasn't a party person. He preferred the quiet of his own company, the loud music and drunken idiots always put him off, but since he's come to Monarch he's started to branch out a little.

Which is why tonight he agreed to go to a party along with some other friends. RikKu didn't care - other then the fact Shino would be out and couldn't make her mozzarella sticks - she was happy she was putting himself out there a little more.

Artemis was more uneasy. Sure, he loves with absolutely everything. But you're allowed to be a little selfish now and then? Obviously Arti let Shino go, if anything he encouraged him to go and meet new friends and express himself. On one condition, he couldn't get drunk

Shino agreed despite his confusion, Arti had always had this massive thing about alcohol. The smell freaked him out, drunk people make him uncomfortable, and it would be a miracle if Artemis even took a sip of some weak shit.

Shino never understood it, he physically couldn't, every time he'd even come close to asking why Arti had this massive distaste for drinking he would brush it off completely. It was clearly something he didn't want to talk about.

So Shino went to that party with full intentions of respecting Artemis's boundaries, plus most people there were around his and Arti's age so he'd be damned if anyone actually managed to get their hands on anything too strong.

So shino just went to the party, it was only a small walk away so he didn't have to take the bus. He was only really going for Jack, Jack had an opportunity to DJ at a friends party and as Jack didn't want to look like a total longer he invited Shino.

For majority of the party Shino stud at the side of the dj booth with a cup of lemonade and just hung around Jack. But eventually the music preferences changed from DJing to basic pop music as people got drunker and stopped caring about what song was playing as long as they could dance to it.

So Jack and Shino had free time to just enjoy themselves. Jack introduced Shino to a few of his friends, honestly they seemed fine so Shino wasn't too uncomfortable around them. "Do you wanna have another go at beer pong?" Someone had asked "isn't it team rounds? We don't have another person" Jack's friend replied, after saying his comment he got an idea.

"Hey Jack! Why don't you and Shino join our team?" Jack's friend asked, Jack smiled at the idea because he knew he wouldn't actually have to get drunk because he could use his mask as an excuse so to him it was a free game. Shino was more hesitant "i don't know... Arti asked me not to drink anything" Shino replied awkwardly, sticking to his promise

"Who's Arti?" He was asked "Artemis, my boyfriend" Shino replied, almost proudly. Because he was proud, being able to let people know that Artemis was his, it felt like a privilege, a privilege he didn't particularly want to betray. "Bro don't get a guy control your life, he won't notice if you have one or two, it's up to you but" Jack's friend told him with a shrug.

Shino hummed, he didn't feel pressured in any way, but he wasn't against the idea. Plus, maybe something to drink could help him bury the crippling social anxiety he had. And beating Jack at beer pong seemed amazing, he hadn't personally played it, all he knew about the game was you take a table tennis ball and through it into a drink then if it lands the person has to drink it, and beating jack sounded great.

So beer pong began. Maybe that was Shino's first mistake of the night, either way he won the game so that almost overshadowed the heavy guilt he felt or breaking a promise. But he only had to drink 2 as jack only managed to land in two cups, it wasn't anything particularly strong - just left him with a small buzz - so Artemis wouldn't even notice.

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