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-Kaiba hates being called kitten cause it makes him feel immature, pretty sure its cannon cuz he gets upset when Etzili calls him it while they were arguing

-Kiyo calls Artemis 'Aphrodite' to make fun of his name because Artemis is the greek goddess of animals and hunt.

-Bryan and Magnus absolutely adore each other as Bryan comforted Magnus after they became the book of the dead as Bryan could relate and understand to what Magnus had gone thru. They bonded over that trauma and now they're bezzies 🤞🏻

•Artemis cries when someone steps on snails or ladybugs

-Arti can't swim, never learnt how to cuz he's never been to a pool or beach

-When Arti's anxious he finds physical affection really comforting. Just small things like holding into Shino's hand and standing slightly behind him when he's stressed out, back at the orphanage when he was really young he used to hold miss Rose's hand a bunch when he was adjusting to the orphanage and that's how he developed his love for physical affection

-Arti's touch starved tho, LOL

-Shino slept in Arti's bed with him after RikKu had exploded her room over databases death because the explosion also destroyed some of Shino's room. So while it was being fixed RikKu slept on the couch and Shino slept with Arti.

-Rikku loves Sanrio

-Arti's scared of hospitals

-Shino got Arti listening to chase Atlantic and he really enjoys their music

-Kaiba and Ashara took their relationship really slow, because Mors used Kaiba for.. events, Ashara didn't want his priorities to seem focused on that and wanted to let him know that he genuinely cared so they took it really slow.

-a lot of people misjudged Mors and Kaiba's 'relationship'. Some people still shipping them and finding them cute - which is toxic ngl, and other people seeing Mors as a full on r@pist and abuser. Which neither are right, Mors cared about Kaiba at the very beginning but got bored quickly, however he continued to lead Kaiba on so he could learn more about the seductive Rose in case Kaiba knew anything. When Kaiba didn't Mors kinda realised why he came over was pointless so he decided to sleep with Kaiba. Kaiba probably consented as he believed Mors was making advances to him because he cared, which led to him saying him sleeping with Mors was disgusting and being so hurt by Mors as Mors led him on and only slept with him for his own amusement and not out of care for Kaiba. Kaiba was used, not assaulted - there is a difference.

(Kaiba's such an amazing character because his trauma is just so realistic and genuinely portrayed and i could talk about him for hours - he's such a perfect example of someone who's abused can become abusive because that behaviour is normalised to him)

-Inpu has to tolerate Kaiba because the rest of his family really like him - mostly Atlas and Bryan (Ironic all Bryan's characters like each other😭)

-Ashara isn't a materialistic person however he makes an exception because for his birthday Kaiba got him an emerald necklace, because the gift wasn't just purely materialistic and had sentiments as Kaiba told him he got him it as it reminded him of his eyes - that was the first time Ashara had celebrated his birthday.

-Shino's really protective in subtle ways, like if he notices someone staring at Arti he'll put his arm around him. Sometimes Arti notices it and it makes him super flustered, but often times it's little things so he makes sure he's not overbearing with his boyfriend

-Arti loves sleepovers so often they organise sleepovers. Especially when Shino had the hole in his wall so it was easier as they could use Shino and RikKu's bed and still be able to talk to each other basically making the room bigger. One time when RikKu and Shizu woke up Arti and Shino were cuddling while they were asleep and they took pictures and teased them with it for weaks.

- Kaiba had nightmares about Mors after he had attacked him, making it difficult for him to sleep without waking up afraid. Obviously Ashara wanted to protect him however he didn't have any need for sleep. So to make sure Kaiba was ok throughout the night, Ashara changed his meditation routine to into the night so he could look over Kaiba to make sure he was ok while also appreciating the extra time meditating.

-Artemis is an ambivert, he likes his own time by himself because he never really got any at the orphanage so he appreciates having privacy now however he really likes talking and hanging out with his friends, however he's more introverted because he's really awkward around new people

-Shino's an introvert however he has natural social talent so he seems like an extrovert

-During episodes like the chibi coven final, when Arti was mentioned because Iris went into his room and he just wasn't there even though it was late at night, obviously that was because Bryan was offline but. I think Artemis also had a part time job he worked at nights which would explain why he's not in the dorm late and why Chibi Coven can get away with their vigilante planning easier because Artemis would be at work alongside with the cafe club.

-Arti probably sells a lot of his designs on apps like vinted and stuff when he can afford to buy fabrics

-Artemis is a ravenclaw

-sometimes Arti forces himself to eat when he's not hungry when money's low because he doesn't know where his next meal will come from ☹️

-Shino was born to "hiya :33" forced to "wsg"

-Ashara's mean to everyone but a big softly to Kaiba

-Bryan makes sure to groom Inpu and the kids tails and wings often, its how he shows his affection to them, as well as cooking for them (acts of service)

-Ashara taught Kaiba to meditate because of Kaiba's anger issues

-(idk if i've already done this one) Arti pierced Shino's ears

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