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-name and pronouns?

-"Val and anything really, idm, not in the Nonbinary or genderfluid way just pronouns aren't something that i feel is important to myself so you can call me whatever :)"

-what types of AU's do you have?

-"not many in all honesty, I like to write based off cannon because i find that's easy to enjoy, however there's my MHO AU with Amare and Marie, i've done a few AU oneshots however i mainly more write of headcannons so"

-Arty: Does Shino know about your laser gun from Mario?

- "Ummm! I haven't directly told him about it... because i don't know if it's allowed and i don't want him to get mad! If he does know maybe mario told him but... for now it's a secret, shhhh!!"

-Shino: Do you think you'll ever tell Arty what happened with LOVE and what happened to Kol

-"probably not, there isn't really any reason to tell him... telling Arty all about LOVE would only worry and upset him and i also don't really want to put him in any danger. Plus, vigilante stuff is meant to stay a secret and i don't know how he'll react to knowing about it. Arty has his opinions on Kol, i don't think he'd be upset with me for being friends with Kol or anything just... it's complicated. Maybe."


-anything really, mostly she though, i have nothing against neo or xeno pronoun users however i don't like neo or Xeno's for me

-Shino, you ever telling Artemis about your past relationship with Kol?

-"um. Again, complicated. In all honesty i don't like speaking about it after the whole him dying thing but... Artemis know's i've been in a relationship and had feelings for people, he's heard some stories too just... he doesn't know it's Kol. I don't think he'll take it well after what Kol did to Shizu, then again he hasn't really cared about any past relationships of mine so... maybe in the future."

-Artemis, what's your worst memory with Shino?

-"that's difficult actually! I don't really think i can dislike any memories with Shino, i just love him so much! Maybe the first day meeting him?.. y'know, when i accused him of being a burglar then freaked out about pepperoni being too spicy... that was really embarrassing!!... hm... i think the worst memory was when he came into the dorm at night hurt, i know he told me not to worry but i Just couldn't sleep after, i just want him to be safe.."

-also would you want to run into anyone from the orphanage again? If so who?

-"Maybe miss Rose? She's done a lot for me and she's really nice! She recommended me to Monarch academy and really helped me get into my designs so, i'd wanna thank her for that again!... i don't know if i'd want to meet anyone other then that honestly... i don't know if this is mean but when you live in a place where people come and go so often you kind of have to get used to saying goodbye in a way. I don't know how i'd feel accepting that they're gone only just to then see them again, like telling yourself you'll never see them and crying all about it then accepting it and moving on just to then see them?... maybe that's too depressing for a Q&A actually, sorry."

-Rikku, not really a question but l'll make you mozzarella sticks 🥺


-And one more for Arty, would you change the fact that you were raised an orphan if you could?

-"hm! I don't know... the orphanage wasn't bad really! I mean everything i needed to survive was given to me so, it wasn't a bad childhood and i met really cool people! I do think about what it would be like to grow up with parents, i don't know if i would be a completely different person or not. But, learn to appreciate what you have i guess?? :)"

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