I'll do anything (MHO)

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(Honest answers only!! Do we actually enjoy this MHO series/AU???)

Finally Monarch academy again. In all honesty, Artemis was terrified to go in. He couldn't shake the feeling something awful would happen today, it had all been too much with his parents... sure he had Shino but he couldn't keep Shino safe and be open with everything that was going on. God all everyone wanted was a break.

However he done all he can. He done his routine, go in and deal with it and just wait for something awful to happen. It wasn't all bad, he had the sweetest friends in the entire world...

And so he went into school, after his meet up with his dad again things had been awkward with his mum sure but honestly? Artemis was loosing patience with her, at least he told Shino about how she was being weird with him.

1-B were in training in the dome, each student suited into their hero costumes and ready to start their training. Artemis was one of the last in the domes, it was a common occurrence now, he tried to limit how often people were around Umbra. He couldn't help but feel that everyone was uncomfortable around him when he was using his quirk.

He walked in alone this time, usually he always had someone to walk into the dome with however he also appreciated the time alone. "Arti!! We were just about to come look for you" RikKu yelled when she noticed him, he smiled at her gently "why? Am i that late?" He asked, she shook her head "no, we just didn't know where you were" RikKu answered and walked over to the class with RikKu.

RikKu felt slightly awkward in all honesty, she knew it was Artemis sure but at the same time it was like hanging out with a different person. It wasn't weird or anything just sometimes there were awkward moments in a conversation or due to the different appearance she struggled to adjust a little. Either way Umbra was still Arti and she'd love him for it, plus his quirk wasn't something she'd judge.

RikKu did really like Artemis/Umbra though!! He was nice to her, he was supportive and more often then not he was calm and had something nice to say

"Hi Shizuuuu!!" RikKu sang on entering the dome, on her speech she alerted Shizu to her presence and their eyes switched to both red "RikKuuu!!" Shizu ran over and hugged her tightly. "Hi arti!!" Shizu smiled up at the white haired shadow manipulator.
"Uh.. hi Shizu" he said deeply, smiling softly at the polarity.

Shizu studied Artemis for a moment "you seem.. like tense.. is everything ok?" Shizu asked softly, catching Umbra off guard slightly. He nodded "yeah.. uh, it's nothing really.. just still awkward using my.. my quirk around everyone." He replied, Artemis's normal stuttering was replaced when he was in his umbra form. His stuttering turned into small stumbles on his words with awkward "uh.."s whenever he spoke. He was more confident in himself sure but his anxiousness was never gone.

"Hey! No need to worry, nobody heres gonna judge, plus i guarantee we're all used to it by now. You look cool!!" Shizu comforted as RikKu nodded from next to them. Umbra smiled softly "thank you Shizu... I appreciate it" he replied, Shizu nodded and they all took their turn for their class.

Eventually Avian described the task at hand. He split the class into half so it was easier to monitor, he'd watch them train to see any improvements and offer advice. Half the class got rest time while the other half done their training.

Artemis sat on the warm gravelled floor, Shino sat next to him with a slight smile. He clicked off his own mask and sat it next to him "hey Arti" Shino greeted warmly, "hello Shino" Artemis replied. Shino couldn't help but feel a small distance in between them, whenever Artemis usually talked to Shino he was often ecstatic to be around him

Artemis wasn't trying to be distant with Shino. He just didn't want to be full on and romantic.. he didn't know if Shino would be comfortable being Romantic with him incase he was too different or it was awkward with how much he had changed while using his quirk. He didn't want to make Shino uncomfortable so he took a step back so Shino could decide if he was comfortable enough to love both Umbra and Artemis. He didn't want to weird Shino out so..

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