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(IT FEELS LIKE SO LONG I'VE POSTED - i've had tonsillitis so i couldn't rlly be assed😭)

"It was so hot in that classroom..." Artemis complained, spraying himself with some perfume before shoving it back in his bag pocket and fixing his hair with his hands. "Yeah.. all that because we talked a little" Shino laughed, it wasn't his first detention nor would it be his last.

They had a lunch detention for messing round in lessons. Basically just talking. They has a strict substitute teacher who decided that having a conversation during a lesson was enough to warrant a lunch detention. It was only for the first half of lunch however, which wasn't so bad, they still got some break.

"It was so harsh!" Artemis scoffed, folding his arms with a pout. He didn't often get into trouble, if anything trouble always seemed to chase after him. No matter how hard he focused during lessons a teacher would always find a way to tell him off, normally for his uniform, poor focus or talking. Usually it was database scolding him as database seemed to not particularly like him, however since Databases passing old cranky substitute teachers decided to yell at him instead.

"I just hope the cafeteria is still open.." Shino mumbled, as their detention was given fourth period they were just kept behind and not allowed out, as both of them were on school food neither of them had ate yet. The comment seemed to set off a lightbulb to Artemis to gasped and looked at Shino "oh my god we have to get food!" He realised, Shino laughing at him with a soft smile. "Yeah, you're so silly." Shino chuckled.

They rushed to the cafeteria, seeing their friends all seated at their usual table with their own lunches made them realise they weren't too late. It was so unfair actually, each grade had a separate time for getting their lunch to avoid overcrowding in the hallways, first graders seemed to get one of the last time stamps. Aka Kowalski was trying to starve them, more likely higher grades has more excessive training so they probably needed it but still..

They greeted their friends just before getting lunch, slight small talk ending as Shino and Arti decided to get their own lunch. "I completely forgot it's pizza day actually, the only decent food here.." Shino commented, both of them grabbing the white porcelain plates from the side and standing in the short queue to grab food. "Yeah..what are you gonna get?" Artemis asked, watching people routinely walk through the queue and grab their food and pay then retreat to tables.

"Just pizza, a brownie and a drink" Shino told him with a shrug, it wasn't the best lunch but it was school food so. He could settle. "Oh, I'll probably just get pizza" Artemis replied, receiving a slight compassionate and concerned glance from Shino momentarily however he didn't worry about it too much. He done it often, whenever he noticed Artemis would pick smaller portions and small into those bad habits again Shino would just give him a look, hopefully to let him know that he needed to look after himself more.

It worked today, Artemis sighing with a chuckle as he grabbed himself the same as Shino receiving a proud smile from him. They got their food pretty quicker then normal as the line was smaller, just as they were about to head back to their table a voice interrupted them.

"Hey Artemis, and Shino" a voice called. It was one of the students who were in the support class, sometimes support classes and hero classes would mix to help each other, during those lessons some students started talking to each other. It was two girls, some of them seemed incredibly confident and social while the other just trailed behind her and would make facial expressions or one word comments to what she said. They weren't good friends with anyone in their class, if anything Shino thought they were odd.

"Oh! Hi Evelyn!" Artemis greeted with a smile, waving them over as the two girls approached. "You guys are only just getting lunch?" Evelyn asked with a confused expression, Shino nodding along with a slightly less enthusiastic tone "yeah, we had detention.. subs just have it out for us!" Artemis complained with an exasperated sigh.

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