Fure Arc (Artino)

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|Gore warning!|

Shino woke up by the blinding rays of the sun, he groaned, reaching for the non-existent shape of his husband which used to lay next to him. Realising he lay alone in bed he got up, his long hair dangled a few centimetres  below his shoulders, he slipped a shirt on and headed down the stairs "Morning Shino!" His husband sang, standing by the stove as the sense of bacon and eggs filled the air "Morning cutie" Shino yawned, rapping his arms around Artemis's waist nuzzling his face into Artemis's neck. Artemis giggled, sliding the pan away from the hot fire "Hey! I'm tryna cook here" Artemis turned around to look Shino in the eyes. It had been a few years since they had graduated from monarch academy, Artemis became a rather respected and iconic pro hero most famous for his hero costumes and sails, as for Shino he became a vigilante. Their jobs became a bit messy for their relationship since Shino's job was technically illegal and Artemis worked with the police, but that never came between them. They just didn't interfere with each-over's business during work times and pretended they had no contact with eachover.

RikKu had also became a vigilante, she created a team with Iris, Clow and Shizu. Everyone understood each-overs roles and just didn't interfere with each-over. They understood that Artemis needed to follow the law and Artemis understood they did what they believed was right. Most of the class had actually became vigilantes, to monarchs dismay.

~Artemis's POV~

I had been on the job all day, the moon glowed brightly and the streets where empty. I lay my head on my office desk, paper work scattered towards the side. I had to work nights as-well. Shino got it easier, he could pick whenever he wanted to go on patrol but I never resented him. I was happy where I was... mother and father would be proud of where I am, they always hoped I'd be a hero and here I am, in the top 10. An alert interrupted my thoughts, I looked over "Suspicious activity going on in an alley a few blocks away, screaming heard from said alley" I read out-load.

I headed out, my hero costume and white hair. I followed the directions down the alley "Arti?" I heard a voice come from behind me, I flipped around, launching a shadow grip around the unknown person "Ah!" They called out. I managed to make out the person in-front of me "Oh, sorry RikKu" I said in a deep voice, releasing her "It's fine! I kind of sneaked up on you!" She laughed "Is everything ok?" Iris yelled, walking over "Arti! I haven't seen you in awhile!" Clover yelled "hi clow" I said calmly. Shizu, RikKu, clover and Iris stud in-front of me "What are you all doing here anyways" I asked them "patrol" Iris responded "Ah, I got reports of suspicious activity coming from an alley" I told them "Oh! Do you want us to come check it out with you?.." Shizu said "if you all want" I told Shizu

We headed down the alley, turning the corner and looking in "Close you eyes!" I abruptly yelled "Wha why?!" RikKu yelled as she threw her hands infront of her face "you don't wanna see this" I told them, breaking my deep voice into a whisper as I turned my attention back onto the dead body laying in the alley "Oh! What do we have here?~" I sinister voice sang "Who the hell are you?!" I asked the cat figure sitting on the wall just above the mauled body "The name's rain!" The cat cackled manically "Did you do this?" I asked "Of course! I take pride in my work!" He jumped down to face me "You seem to be a pro hero! Just what I was looking forward to! I can't wait to see you scream as I rip you limb to limb" the villain threatened "Iris, lead them out of here" I commanded "What? We can't leave you!" Shizu yelled "GO!" I hissed back

The villain ran at me "Let's see if you'll be the one to finally kill me!~" his voice twisted and demented, I created a wall with my shadows which repelled him back he stumbled, catching his balance and running at the wall, jumping off it on impact and slashing at me. My suit collided with the blade, it smashed against it and slit through, not deep enough to hit my flesh. I grabbed the villains wrist "I worked hard on designing this suit, rather rude of you to mid-handle it in such a manner!" I taunted, throwing the villain on the floor in-front of me "Wow you are strong! C'mon just do it! Kill me" rain begged "You're sick." I cursed him "If you won't kill me I'll just kill you!" His teeth shone as he smiled grotesquely, he crawled back up of the ground and launched at me again, slashing my eye with his blade "AGH!" I yelled, stumbling backwards. A bright light shone from behind me, Rain fell backwards seemingly attacked from something but I couldn't tell what as my vision hastily came back into focus from the light

"Oh! Light bulb boy! Back with your toy?" Rain tainted "Sh-Shino!" I gasped, looking up at him "What are you doing here?!" I yelled in shock "Saving you" he replied "But it's not safe-" I began "then you're definitely not doing it alone, hun" Shino smiled "Awee!~ look at the love birds! The more the merrier!" Rain cackled "I contacted the police and other pros, we'll be good to leave" Shino kept his focus on me, holding his glowing blade up towards the attacker. Sirens could be heard in the background "Alright.." i shakily stud up "You're not getting away this time" Rain cackled. All of a sudden a radio wave like force panned through the air, I felt light headed as the ground began to shake and my ears rang. All power near-by shut off. I dropped to my knees, my vision blurred

When I finally came back to my senses I shakily stud up "Shino!" I yelled, glancing over at Shino gripping the wall attempting to keep his balance

~Rain's POV~

I cackled, running and slashing my blade at the white haired man weakened by my power. He yelled out in pain and he stumbled back, his red blood oozing out into the open air "Ah hah ha ha ha!" I cackled "Yes, yes! How badly I just want to cut you open and watch you bleed" I cried, feeling a huge smile warp onto my face as he stared on in horror "BACK OFF!" Shino yelled, running and punching me dead in the face, I collapsed on the floor "Ah! Will you finally kill me?!" I drooled, begging for the sweet release of death. Sirens. the police had got their cars back up and running, they where coming to take me.. my worst nightmare, they won't kill me! They'll try get me help, I just want to die!! Is that so much to ask for?!

~Shino's POV~

As much as I wanted to stay with the unconscious and beaten Artemis, I had to go. If the police found me I'd be in trouble for being an illegal vigilante. I hopped over the wall and ran down the dark street

"RikKu!" I yelled "Shino! Is everything ok?" She asked, turning to me "We need to leave!" I yelled "Why? What's happened." Iris said, calmly "Police!" I yelled, pushing the four of them as we ran down the roads "What happened the Artemis?!" Shizu yelled "He'll be fine, he's pretty battered but he's in good hands with the police." I replied rather sadly.

It had been a few weeks, Artemis was dismissed from the hospital, They couldn't link me and small squad to the situation but rain escaped jail, some people say he was broken out but their was no actual evidence for that. "Morning, cookie" I said, folding a shirt and placing it in a basket near our coffee table "Cookie?" Artemis questioned. He had a bandage rapped around his ribs, lightly stained with red patches around his major wound,he wore an eyepatch over his right eye you could still slightly see the scar under the eyepatch from up-close. He wore a black vip up hoodie, the zip un-done revealing his chest "you know, your hair looks like an Oreo. And Oreo's a cookie" I laughed "That..just got less romantic rather quickly" Artemis commented, walking over and resting his head on my shoulder "Guess I won't call you that then, hey?" I taunted, pulling him into my arms "I never said I didn't like it" he blushed, rapping his arms lazily around me, Artemis nuzzled his head into my chest "You still act like you did when we where in monarch" I laughed "I've changed!" He yelled, looking up at me "Besides monarch was 11 years ago" he added "You're old" I taunted him again "You're older!" He snickered back "You're short" I replied "It's not my fault you grew!" He defended "You're adorable" I turned our friendly insults into compliments "No you!.." Artemis blushed "Are you feeling better?" I asked him "Yeah, it doesn't hurt anymore" my amazing husband replied with a smile "Alright then, can I have a kiss from my beautiful hubby?" I flirted. He gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek but I turned that into a long passionate kiss.

Thank you for reading! This story takes place 11 years into the future then everyone has graduated from monarch academy. Let me know if you've enjoyed this story! If you have any recommendations please let me know
Word count: 1648

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