Awkward dorm plan (MHO s2)

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"Honestly Artemis, just leave me the fuck alone!"

"I don't get it?! What have i done wrong?? Why won't you talk to me!!?"

Shizu sighed, rolling over in their bed and pulling their blanket higher over them. Their sleep was disturbed, each time they'd manage to close their eyes they would be startled awake by another loud yell.

They huffed, glancing over at the luminous alarm clock near their bed. 2:47am. Reluctantly slipping out of the warmth of their bed, the noise downstairs not wavering or attempting to stop despite the squeaky sounds of Shizu's door and their weight on the stairs.

The lights were on, causing Shizu to squint their eyes to adjust to the change in environment. "What's going on?" They asked, both Shino and Artemis finally falling silent for the first time since 10 minutes ago. "Nothing-" shino sighed, however was quickly interrupted again "are you two sneaking out again?" Artemis asked, his voice serious

Shizu's eyes had finally adjusted to the light, being able to give Arty a shocked expression in reply. "What? No! We stopped the vigilante stuff last year" they replied honestly, now noticing the problem: Shino's cut up forehead, with smudged blood around his eyebrow and some clumping into his hair. "Then why do you keep doing this?!" Artemis turned his attention back to shino, his voice returning to their argumentative loudness.

Shino scoffed, walking away from the door and over to the kitchen sink. "I'm not doing anything!! I've been going cram classes and we've had some training!!" Shino replied, clearly irritated by his boyfriend's pestering with the hostility in his voice. He leant over the sink, turning the faucet on and letting the water run over his eyebrow and hair, washing the blood away.

"Can you stop with the lies! You promised me!" Artemis yelled at him, his voice breaking as emotions threatened to slip in and take hold of his anger. "I know!! Are you taking your fucking meds?" Shino asked harshly, an unwarranted and cruel jab at Artemis's mental health as he rubbed a kitchen towel into his hair to dry it.

Shizu stud there by the stairs almost hopelessly as they yelled at each other, knowing their voice wouldn't be able to break the tension. "Yes!! What the hell shino?! If i go ask Ronin tomorrow if cram class do physical training would he say yes?" Artemis retaliated, no longer willing to back down. He had tolerated their lies too often, peacefully waiting for Shino to accept him into his life yet it never came.

By now Shino's hair was dry, his curls frizzy however he couldn't bring himself to care, just dumping the cloth he used on the draining board and walking towards the stairs leading to his room. "I'm going to bed, i'm too tired for this shit." He finalised

"No! You don't get to walk away from me anymore! Shino i am trying, trying so so hard and I don't know what I'm doing wrong!" Artemis pleaded, standing infront of the stairs to block Shino's way down. Shino huffed, trying to push past him yet Artemis grabbed his arms and held him in place. "Talk to me!-"

A loud slap made Shizu jump, "get off me! Seriously nothings going on! Fucking driving me mad Artemis!" Shino slapped his hand away from his before using his shoulder to barge his was past. Before Artemis could reply Shizu stepped in. "Right, let's not get physical!" Shizu calmed them, standing at the top of the stairs to stop Artemis going after him.

"Shino! Come back and say sorry! Shino!!" Shizu tried to call out to him, however their attempts were in vain as a loud slam came from Shino's bedroom door then the fainter sound of a lock. Shizu just sighed, already aware Shino wasn't cooperating tonight.

they just hoped Artemis could find any peace in that too. "I'm sure he's ok Arty... just leave it for tonight" Shizu tried to console him, turning around however Artemis wasn't standing where he previously was anymore, instead facing away from Shizu leaning against the dining room table with his head in his hands.

"Arty?.. are you ok?" Shizu asked weakly, harshly struck by empathy. "I'm ok." Arty replied, his voice weak yet calm, all the anger that was previously in the argument had gone. "Are you sure I-" "Go to bed Shizu.." Artemis continued, still refusing to look at Shizu however they could tell he was no longer hiding his face with how his shoulders adjusted.

Shizu couldn't find the words to argue, only quietly agreeing before heading up the stairs to their own room. Their room was still dark, eyes having to adjust to the lights again. 3:04am. They sighed, grabbing their phone and pulling the charger wire out before dialling RikKu. She picked up after numerous rings.

"Hun? Are you ok?" She asked before yawning, her voice broken with sleep clearly woken by the call. "Yeah um... can i come stay at your dorm for the night? Shino and Arty are arguing again."

By now Artemis had made it to his own room, locking his own door before sitting on his bed. He carefully placed his glasses next to his bed, still sitting on the side of the bed as he curled over, running his thumb over the right red mark forming down his wrist. His shoulders shook, heavy yet silent sobs causing his sleeves to become damp and he hid his face in his arms.


The morning was dull, a heavier atmosphere than usual. Shizu was no longer in the dorms, having left for RikKu's in the night. The main floor was empty except for the sound of Arty's coffee machine, his vision barely able to focus on it as tiredness weighed down his eyes and his muscles. He sighed, pouring a small amount of milk into his coffee before holding it in his hands to let it cool, too tired to react to the cup burning the palms of his hands.

The stairs made a noise, detecting life. A sense of dread filled Arty, one he wished never to associate with his boyfriend again. After all it was all out of love, everything he did was out of love. "Good morning baby" shino said carefully, his voice sugary sweet, near sickly after last night.

Arty didn't reply, he wasn't purposefully ignoring him, it just felt as if his brain was on slow play, hardly able to function. Shino approached, taking the steaming coffee out of his hands, his palms red and tender looking from the light burn. "I love you, more than absolutely anything in this entire world. I promise you, everything is ok. I'm so sorry I hurt you" shino apologised, bringing his hands up to cup Arty's face to maintain eye contact.

"It's ok.." Arty's voice was soft, maybe in hurt or maybe in exhaustion - it was hard to distinguish. Shino nodded, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "How's your hand?" Shino asked, his voice weak and hesitant, clear regret showing. Arty just shrugged, pulling down his sleeve to cover the slight bruise that had began forming over night. Shino noticed, pain making him feel almost ill.

"I'm so sorry." He repeated, arty looking at him again, a soft smile on his face. "It's ok cutie" he replied, his voice still tender as he leaned into Shino and wrapped his arms around him, resting his face on his shoulder and closing his eyes. Taking in the smell of his cologne, citrus and fruit. "You look exhausted, you've got really deep eyes bags.. do you wanna go back to bed? I'll tell Avian you're sick" Shino offered.

Arty shook his head in protest. "No.. I wanna go in, let's just stay like this for a minute tho.." he replied, Shino nodding and kissing his head again, one hand around his waist and one in this hair taking in his presence. "We'll be late though" Shino warned, glancing at the time before melting back into the touch. "I'm ok with that.."

(Fuck ur Artino i'm making it toxic)

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