Telling him everything (MHO)

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(This may be me clinging onto Artino, but i don't like the way Artemis's season was meant to end - with constructive reasoning. It just doesn't make sense how Artemis can abandon everything he's known and leave his friends behind for his mom who he's just met. I understand he was desperate to find his parents and always wanted to meet them and it was probably so relieving to finally meet her but i just can't imagine him leaving everything behind to live with a practical stranger - especially with how much support his friends have given him. It's a good plotline but it just feels dissatisfying with how much potential Artemis had, he was such a strong character I definitely was hoping he'd become a hero with how powerful he is)

Everyone was so happy to see Artemis was staying in Monarch, his friends helped him unpack and readjust to his room and an awkward conversation with Kowalski about how Marie had moved back to France - overall Artemis was allowed to remain at Monarch since he wasn't officially unenrolled.

Arti and Shino went to Miguel's apartment to drop his car keys off and grab a few of his stuff which he wanted to be shipped over to france for them, fortunately Marie was paying for all the shipping costs so it was pretty easy just grabbing a few clothes and stuffing them into a box and putting it out for delivery.

Fortunately Miguel's sister wasn't there meaning Arti didn't have to worry about explaining to his sister that he had moved to a different country. It was sad though, knowing he had just got his mom back and fixed his relationship with her and now he'd only be able to talk to her over the phone, it was like she had left him again. Her house was empty and desolate which hurt Arti, despite the not very fond memories there.

Despite the excitement of his friends that he was staying he couldn't help but feel miserable. Did he make the wrong decision based off purely emotional impulse? It felt so unfair, having to choose between the two most important people in his life.

Maybe he should've gone to France, maybe he could've become a designer like he's always wanted. Despite the talks with Marie over the phone, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost her again. That he was an orphan again.

The thought she had left practically sent him spiralling. He had killed his own dad and refused to travel with his mom, it was almost as if he didn't even want parents at that point.

Obviously he felt like he made the right choice, he left a lot better when he was with his friends and he was comfortable in the lifestyle he had.

It was meant to be perfect, they had barely anything to worry about now. Shino's vigilante stuff had calmed down, Arti's dad was no longer a problem, Tyrant who was a use part of the league was now dead meaning the league had become less active. Their only focus now was their friendships with each other and finishing their first year of Monarch with the best grades possible.

He should've been grateful for the fact they finally had a chance of a future. Yet. He was miserable, that low burdening feeling of just something being wrong, now that all the chaos had gone quiet it felt weird and irregular to be so calm.

He couldn't understand why, but he just felt low. The type of low that keeps you in bed all day and makes you loose your appetite and all you want to do is sleep and avoid the world. He didn't know why, nothing bad has caused him to feel so low, it was just an almost random spurge of depression.

Since it was finally Saturday it meant he could finally just lay in bed all day. Was it good for him? No, not particularly. However he just needed it, he felt like he was forcing himself up all day and going it and it was exhausting.

He only woke up at 1:28pm. Just scrolling through TikTok and reading a few pages of a book for god knows how long. Long enough for his roommates to become worried that was, as a few texts between RikKu and Arti went back and forth for a few minutes as RikKu checked on him and asked if he wanted anything to eat.

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