Panic at the palace

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(Believe it or not, despite my clear love for Artemis, Kaiba was actually my favourite character in origins. So, since the MHO series is coming closer to the finale i thought i'd slip in a little mini series that i've had my ideas for a while now. However i know a lot of people who read this are mainly here for Arti and Shino content, so if we don't like the origins of Olympus add in i'm more then fine discontinuing it. I want to write content my readers enjoy, so if Kaiba isn't a character who we enjoy reading about idm not writing about him as a full series)

(There characters are so hard to write because they're so formal in the way they speak, like i feel like i'm re-writing my English essays while writing their characters.)

3:47 am. On a hot night in camp oasis, most of the night was calm except the harmonic chimes of crickets and the buzz of fireflies through the hot air of the Egyptian pantheon. Yet despite the soothing atmosphere of the night, not all households were tightly wrapped up in bed asleep with their lovers or family.

The Anubis-Aphrodite family had finally come together and been able to sleep soundly knowing they were finally safe, forever. Seductive Rose had been defeated and Zeratino's soul was freed. Even Mors had his sprinkle of closure. The predictable chaos of camp oasis had finally seemed to be calming down

But unfortunately some of us aren't as lucky.

Black balls of fur with blue tints were left sprayed and littered across the almost derelict bedroom. Mirrors were smashed and shattered across floors and items and fabrics were thrown and ripped, the room was distressed, manic and unkept. Which was unusual for such a privileged character - maybe not character, for such a privileged cat.

He lay on his bathroom floor, locking the door to prevent his servants from pestering him anymore then they had prior. He had been busy sure, however now returning to his palace and being able to fully see himself truly made the panic sink in. Tears soaked the black and blue fur stinking to his sink, he lay on his knees, resting his head on the wall as he hicced and sobbed

His hands gripped into his forearms, taking chunks of fur in-between his hands and pulling on it, ripping out small chunks of black fur away from his skin making him choke in pain. Yet the fur wouldn't leave

Sure Kaiba was used to - and if anything proud of - his usual cat features such as his ears and tail. However he didn't appreciate the now full cat form. To him? It was hideous. Whenever he would look in the mirror all that would stare back was his distressed eyes consumed by a beast. He was a beast.

What panicked him the most was the confusion, he had felt low before yet this had never happened. He knew he wasn't meant to become fully cat, his mother was sure however he was told his human like biology was from his father and his mothers catness was only an add on.

Maybe this was some weird puberty thing he was never told about, since visiting camp oasis he had been forced to realise maybe his mother had a small habit of telling lies about his life. Yet with Inpu he never became a full Kitsune-Jackal, Bryan never became a bird, his mother was full cat but that was only because she was a god. Not to mention she still had human biology just had the appearance of a cat, similar to hit current form now.

But he was a demi-god. He wasn't pharaoh yet, this wasn't supposed to happen.

Selma had stayed in the palace, surprisingly choosing Kaiba over her own brother. Her first reaction was to rush to caring for Kaiba however had now taken off to look in the old libraries for any idea on what was now happening to his grace.

Nobody knew what was happening in all honestly. All Kaiba knew is that it hurt, and that he was hideous. The pain hurt, like needle's stabbing into him, he wasn't used to such a new form or such new power, sometimes he couldn't control it when his thoughts would get too powerful and he would accidentally shock himself with light bolts of lightning or end up destroying stuff around the palace.

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