Back to the start (Artino || Vampire Artemis AU || Part 7)

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Lazily, Artemis flickered his eyes open. He must of fell asleep after play fighting with Shino. He reluctantly slipped out of Shino's bed and made his way up stairs. He began preparing breakfast for the sleeping human.

~Artemis's POV~

I slid the eggs onto a plate and began to walk back down stairs. I felt.. off. I couldn't describe it, I just had this screaming feeling in my gut that something wasn't right. Not to mention I didn't feel right.. like that feeling when you forgot to lock your doors or get your phone in the morning. I brushed it off and clicked on Shino's light.

"Shinoo!~ Good morning!" I sang, he groaned flipping over "Why does it smell like eggs?" He mumbled "Dunno, look up" I rolled my eyes, sitting on one side of the bed, he sat up and looked me up and down "Breakfast is served" I smiled "Arti.. you shouldn't have" he sighed, sitting up. I passed him the plate and checked the time. Unfortunately, my phone began to buzz from upstairs. Shino took this as an opportunity to grab for his phone as I made my way back upstairs with a sigh.

~Shino's POV~

I glanced at my phone screen, a reminder shone at the top "Blood moon" it read. I almost choked "Arti wait!" I sat up, putting my plate to the side "Hm?" He turned around "Blood moon." I told him, standing up and feeling my pulse quicken "W-What?" He gasped "When?!"
"Tonight.." I avoided eye contact, feeling the panic build up inside the room, a mutual feeling. "Hey.. we'll get through this one again. Same game plan as last time" I comforted him, standing up and hugging him.

~Narrator/3rd person~

And the day went on, each hour Artemis felt is stomach turn and his head full with clouds. The time flashed 3 minutes before midnight, Artemis sat in his room, he trembled lightly watching he sky as the moon drowned in a red light.

~Shino's POV~

Midnight strikes again, a different kind of night this time. We had told RikKu to stay at Shizu's dorm for the night for her own safety, Artemis had locked himself in his room. All I had to do was schedule feedings and make sure his emotions are... stable. Artemis definitely got the harder job.

I clicked open his door "Arti?" I asked, He rested in the floor, head in his hands. "You ok baby?" I sat next to him "B-Baby?" He looked up at me, covering his mouth. I held his shoulders then rested him on my chest and hugging him. I looked him in the eyes, only a few seconds in and he already seems terrible.. I held out my wrist for him, he tried to push me away "Artemis." I said sternly "this or you're gonna starve." A tear rolled down his cheek as he sank his teeth into my wrist.

Two bites later, the blood moon should be ending soon. Artemis was terrible, all the shaking and crying hurt my heart. If I could take it all away from him I would in a heartbeat..

~Artemis's POV~

I fell to ground, panting. A horrible pain resided in my throat and chest and the uncontrollable thirst was driving me insane. When I say uncontrollable, I mean uncontrollable. I'm in a constant fight to control my emotions, I felt my muscles go weak and my body become tired "No!.." I gasped, drifting into a seemingly unconscious state.

~Shino's POV~

I heard a door open from upstairs "Artemis?" I yelled, walked up stairs. His door was wide open and Artemis was nowhere.. "Artemis?!" More panic arose in my voice, what if he got out? He could kill someone! Even though the balcony door was locked I checked outside anyways. I ran down stairs attempting to find him.

A small chuckle echoed behind me, I spun around. The last thing I expected was to be pinned to the wall my Artemis.. his eyes were red, his fangs pulsed and his hair was... white? "Artemis?" I stuttered "Shino~" he whispered, his voice deeper and no recognition of the Artemis I once knew in his eyes.
"I hope you know I'm quite...Hungry.." he stared at me neck, holding me against the wall disabling any restraint I had against him "You can't bite me! You know what that'll do right?" I hissed

"Kill you? Pity.." he chuckled. The Artemis I knew was gone, I couldn't just convince him out of this... "Bite me and I'll make sure you never feed again.." I threatened his, lifting his face from my neck "You wouldn't wanna disobey your master?.."
"Oh Master!~ what will you do?" He teased me "Punish you." I replied, slightly on edge by threatening Artemis. I kept telling myself it wasn't him, but fighting with him just left so wrong especially using my claim over him.

"Then Punish me Master!~ Make it hurt." I whispered, his voice low. He went in for a bite.. it's now or never, whatever I do must work.. but what? Think Shino, Think!

"So true loves kiss then?" I joked "I... I wouldn't put it that way.. seems for like a fairy tale but... it sums it up decently?" He mumbled into my neck, rapping his arms around my torso and intertwined his legs into mine. "A vampire true kiss" I laughed, settling down with sleeping beauty.

True love's kiss?.. that's not gonna work.. don't be ridiculous!.... Well it's all I got.

Before he could sink his teeth into my neck I pulled his head up again and pressed my lips against his. He froze, his grip on me became weak and I managed to break out from the wall and pin him instead. I pulled away, I shine of Artemis flickered back into his eyes as he stared in shock, I continued anyways. Holding him against the wall as we kissed. It was a more... passionate kiss then our normal habits, I tongue against mine. 5...4...3...2...1.

I pulled away as the blood moon ended, pulling back the curtains to reveal the sinking blood moon "AGH!" Artemis yelled out in pain as he collapsed forwards into my arms "Arti!" I sat down, holding him "Shino?.." he groaned "Is it over?.." he looked at me, his lavender eyes sparkle back into view as well as his black stripe "Yep.. you're all good" I kissed his forehead "Let's get you to bed.." I helped him up, he doesn't have to know about today.

If the blood moon's what started the series up then why not keep it running? Thanks for reading this chapter! I've got a lot more coming to stay put for that. Like usual if you have any recommendations for future chapters please do let me know! Happy Halloween! 🎃
1143 words

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