Moody christmas

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(I'M SO READY FOR CHRISTMAS BRO U DONT EVEN KNOW. TRUST I WILL BE SPAMMING CHRISTMAS THEMED POSTS IN DECEMBER. Also yes it's cannon Artemis is a seasonal depression king its on his twitter if u disagree go away)

December 21st, light snow was falling from behind the frosted glass landing on the pavement below making a frozen carpet. Faintly you could hear the other children in the other rooms yelling about the snow trying to reach out the windows to grab snowflakes however were never allowed outside in cooler weather as the Orphanage couldn't afford winter clothes to keep them warm enough.

Normally there was a lively atmosphere, people fussing over their excitement for Christmas and really being hit with their festive emotions.

And for those who didn't celebrate christmas there was still joy. Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule and Las Posadas, there was something for everyone to celebrate. Well, something for most people

Watching everyone become so festive and positive sharing gifts and singing christmas songs, after all this was a holiday to celebrate and appreciate family? Maybe that's why it hurt so much, knowing you can never celebrate yourself because you have nobody to celebrate with.

Despite the area they lived in being rather rough, with street fights and yelling all throughout the night, something different falls on December as the screams become sings and cheers. Watching everyone spoil each other with love and compassion from your window struggling to stay warm under your thin sweater as you gave up your only warm blanket to the younger children.

Maybe that's why Artemis hated christmas. He didn't hate it, if anything it just reminded him about how alone he was. He would hear stories from the orphans who knew their families about how they'd wake up early just to rip open colourful wrapping paper concealing gifts and dreams of theirs and to be truly loved by a family.

Being alone was a painful concept. After 16 years of it Artemis thought he'd be able to grasp that idea, but always December hurt, because he realised that everyone else had someone else and it was really only him that was alone. Lilium didn't celebrate, the most that happened was a neighbour would say merry Christmas to Miss Rose while walking past. If it weren't for the agonising display from outside their windows of decorative houses and warm fires the Orphanage wouldn't even know Christmas day was any different to any other day.

His birthday stopped hurting. A day that was meant to be about him was just never celebrated, oh well, he could live with that, there were more important people them him. But a day to celebrate your love and care for everyone and your family and your friends stung, because nobody was around.

Miss Rose had called him and the other orphans down to begin their day as usual by now, however Artemis didn't even consider following the usual routine. He didn't have to, there was an unspoken agreement that miss Rose knew the seasonal depression Artemis could sometimes be hit with so never forced the day on him like normal.

So he just lay in his bed wrapping himself in his thin sheets to try keep a little warm, a cup next to him from god knows how long from when it was especially cold so the Orphans were blessed with hot drinks, he couldn't be bothered to leave their room to take it back down.

He just lay in his bed staring at the wall nearest to him, his body felt numb as he gave up on fighting the faint tears that would randomly grow in his eyes. The room was mainly silent other than the soft breaths and the faint sound of snow hitting the window. Sometimes Artemis would find himself falling asleep, not knowing the duration of these short naps and just walking himself up again to stare

His phone had no power, even if it did he wouldn't be on it. He knew his made him sound like a mega bitch but seeing messages from his friends and their plans for the holidays made him feel jealous and out of place, plus he couldn't particularly be arsed to talk to anyone anyways

His friends had discussed plans on a groupchat, he was in it however Arti had practically vanished as soon as the snow began to fall leading his friends to assume his phone was confiscated as he was back at Lilium. Obviously they all tried to go out their way to contact him and make plans, however very infrequently receiving replied and plans would always be brushed off with a shitty excuse

They all felt bad however ended up not bothering to privately message Artemis encouraging to come out when their plans actually made it out of the chat. He was only online on the chat now and then, i think he had only actually come out on a group event once or twice as Kiyo and Sapphire had actually turned up to the orphanage to drag him out with them as they were going to a christmas market and knew Artemis would love it there.

He did, he really enjoyed it actually, he got the sweater he was currently wearing from there with a cute snowman design. He felt bad when he skipped out on plans, always feeling left out however he done it to himself so there was nobody to blame, he was just too tired and cold to bother.

Today was similar, the chat was flooding with messages about going to another christmas market, instead this time they actually had real reindeers there! Practically everyone from 1A and 1B were going, it was like a school trip without being in school. So when Artemis's phone was completely turned off and he didn't reply to any messages the atmosphere was slightly dampened.

Shino sighed, clicking the phone on speaker, Kiyo's voice now becoming louder so he could hear him while getting ready. "Are you sure he'll come?" Sapphire asked weakly, seemingly next to Kiyo as he was on the phone. Shino pulled on his boots, zipping his jacket up to make sure he'd stay warm "it isn't really optional" he shrugged, fumbling with his keys to leave his apartment.

"So should i tell the group Artemis is coming?" Sapphire asked, on her own phone as well as her bitmoji appeared in the chat. "Yes, definitely, so he'll feel to bad to back out if everyone excepts him to be there" Kiyo replied, Shino laughing at the suggestion knowing it was more of a joke. "Not mainly for that reason, but yeah i'll make him come" Shino told them

"Ha! Sure thats not the first time" Kiyo quickly jabbed before hanging up the phone before Shino could register the comment and get annoyed at him. Shino just scoffed, shoving the phone in his pocket as he walked towards his car, the snow crunching under his shoes as he got inside the warm car, making sure the heating was on.

Artemis heard a loud knock at the door, deciding it wasn't his problem and someone else could get it he stayed laying in bed, incase Miss Rose pulled him out to introduce himself to the possible charity worker coming to donate he grabbed his phone to look like he was doing something other than spacing out in self pity.

As soon as he opened his phone he was flooded with notifications, grabbing his glasses as he clicked on them to open them. Staring the his screen confused as he paid no attention to the muffled talking downstairs as he read though the messages. What market had he agreed to go to? He hadn't told Shino be was going out?

Just as he was processing the messages his door flew open, allowing another stream of light into the stale room. Artemis yelped, sitting up at the unexpected intrusion. "Shino?!" He yelled, Shino standing in the doorway with a shit eating grin on his face "hi Arti! Ready to go?" Shino asked, closing the door as walking over to where Artemis's bed was to grab him a pair of shoes to rush him to get ready

"H-Huh? You shouldn't scare me like that! What if i was naked or something??" Artemis scolded him, getting out of bed to run over to his side to see whatever he was doing. "I don't think anyone can be naked in this temperature Arti.." Shino chuckled, shoving a fluffy jumper into his chest as Artemis stared at him with utter confusion. "Get changed"

And with that Shino walked out and clicked the door closed allowing Artemis some privacy. He stud there dumbfounded for a moment, blankly staring at the door Shino had just closed trying to process what was going on. He was going out? How the hell had Shino managed to convince Miss Rose to let him leave on such short notice?

Artemis just reluctantly sighed and gave in, changing into whatever outfit Shino had grabbed him. For Shino it was actually a pretty alright choice, however Artemis made sure he only owned clothes that were pretty alright, meaning Shino literally couldn't choose an ugly outfit - as much as his chances were high. The dickhead wore shorts last time they went to the winter market.

(Short one cuz i randomly had motivation, lemme know if u want a part 2 of them actually at the market)

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