Artemis X shino angst

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This is gonna be angst in their relationship, not hurt/comfort. They don't breakup tho don't worry!!

-Shino's POV-

I fumbled with the door, i tried to sneak into the house as quietly as possible. RikKu got home from her vigilante run earlier then i did and now it was my turn sneaking back into the dorm without Artemis knowing. I wiped the blood away from my nose and i steadied myself. 'Fuck i really need to get more defense mechanisms, why's it always my ribs' i thought to myself with a sigh and gently grasped as my swollen ribcage.

"Shino??" Artemis stud just by the stairs, i must've have noticed him coming down. "Shit, hi Arti" i sighed, knowing i won't get off on this one as easy as i did last time. "Oh my god are you ok?? What's happened, you're bleeding!!" He ran over to me and gently rested his hand on my hand resting on my painful rib and with his other hand he cupped my face and examined my bleeding nose. "Hey it's ok i'm fine" i comforted him "what's been going on?? Why do you keep coming home all hurt??" Artemis continued his interrogation, ignoring my consoles to him.

"Are you sure i don't need to call someone??" He moved his hand from my rib towards his pocket where his phone was. I snatched his wrist back up to me "Artemis please i've already told you, it's fine we can't call anyone, you CAN'T call anyone i'll be excluded." I commanded him with more severity in my voice "Oh so what you got jumped again??" He tried to level with my tone but his timidness made his words shaky, he clearly wasn't buying my excuses however "Shino what aren't you telling me??" He continued to push for an answer i wasn't quite happy with giving him.

"Artemis honestly, it's not that i don't want to tell you its the fact i can't." I tried to reason with him but it only seemed to hurt him more "What can't you tell me?! Is it something i've done wrong? Look if you're getting this hurt i wanna!-" he tried to hug me but i held his arms in place so he couldn't, his eyes were overflowing with worry and it absolutely broke me, i felt horrible but i couldn't tell him because it would put him at risk. "Artemis please i'm just trying to protect you"

-Artemis's POV-

"Protect me?!" I'm 16 god damn it, and if you're getting hurt i wanna know!! Shino i wanna help you but i can't if you keep pushing me away!" I retaliated, with every word our voices raised. I was so confused, and hurt too, what was going on? Did he not trust me enough to tell me? I didn't want him getting hurt, i want to help him he does so much for me and i can't just watch as he comes in bruised and i don't even know why

"I'm not pushing you away!!" Shino yelled, defending himself yet becoming emotional in his voice "Please just tell me whats going on! Are you ok? Where you attacked??" I wasn't willing to give up on it this time, i had to help him somehow. I hated just sitting on the guidelines i wanted to be useful, i wanted to show him i could support him and i love him. "OK. Since you wanna know SOOO badly!!" He pulled his arms away from me, talking a step back "I go out with a BIGGG vigilante group with KOL and FLEX, and we go off without licenses and we sort shit out." He snapped at me, i went quiet for a moment "AND DON'T EVEN START BECAUSE RIKKU'S DOING IT TOO." Shino continued

"So most if not all of OUR friends have been running off into streets getting in fights and getting hurt and you NEVER thought of telling me?!" My voice broke, why was he trying to protect me? Why was everyone not telling me this?! Did they not trust me enough? Sure I'm not the most confident but i can fight!!

-Shino's POV-

"Fuck sake Arti, why won't you understand where i'm coming from?! Look what's just happened to me!! I don't want you getting caught up in it, i don't wanna put you at risk!!!" I practically pleaded "Putting me at risk my ass!! I get it now, you just think i'd crack under pressure don't you!! What do you think i'm weak?? I practically raised myself i can HANDLE MYSELF." I persisted "THEN WHY WON'T YOU LET ME HANDLE MYSELF." I deflected.

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