Happy four months!! (MHO)

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CONGRATULATIONS!! This chapter is not angst. For a first, literally my first none angsty book for a while. Let me know if you're sick of the angst.<3

May 27th. Four months ago from today, Shino basca and Artemis divil shared their first kiss during their joint birthday celebration.

Now four months from that the two are now each other's favourite person. And with this development in their relationship, Shino decides to celebrate their anniversary for the first time.

-Shino's POV-

I hovered a steaming kettle over a cup as the boiling water poured into it. Us four had just finished breakfast and were getting ready for school, yes, us four. Shizu hadn't slept last night and had gotten ready for monarch at 3 because they were bored, they came over to walk with RikKu to school and we all didn't mind the early morning company. None of us were typically morning people so mornings got groggy and it took a while for all of us to become productive, in order to fix this Artemis started waking up earlier to get ready quicker so he could help the half asleep me and RikKu function. Sometimes Arti would oversleep however and we'd all be late.

Artemis lay on the couch, he sat on his phone while laying on his back with his legs hooked over the arm of the couch. He was still in his pyjamas and his glasses were discarded on the table in-front of him, he was clearly struggling more this morning as his week was going off to a rough start, however Shizu was wide awake pulling RikKu around the dorm getting ready quickly. RikKu even let them braid her hair, she ran into the living room to grab her bag she forgot on the table "oooo look at you!! You look like Rapunzel." I laughed at her loose braid in her long blonde hair and she had her makeup done more then usual, clearly Shizu waking her up.

"I'll take it as a compliment because she's gorgeous!" RikKu smiled, Shizu appearing behind her and hugging her while giggling "You're gorgeous!" They kissed RikKu's cheek as she giggled along with Shizu. They were half an hour early for school. I sat next to Artemis with my coffee in hand, his head resting close to my thigh as i moved my free hand to his hair as he looked up at me and placed his phone down. "You have like 45 minutes till we need to be in class" i told him as he groaned "can we just stay in bedddd" he pulled his legs over the arm of the couch as he moved up the coach and rested his head in my lap and he brought his legs to his stomach

"You stayed off monday silly, you've gotta go inn" I continued to ruffle his messy hair, i was already in my uniform and Artemis was the last to even start getting ready. He sat up and kissed my cheek before making his way up to his room to get ready.

School was boring, not much happened and it was a regular day. It was a nice break from the stressful few days, me and Jack walked out of class together. We often did this thing were we would just sit down and talk for a bit after school.

I made my way back into the dorm a little later, Looking at my phone when a reminder flashed up on the screen "27th may, 4 months". oh shit!! It had completely slipped my mind because of my conversation with Jack. I paced around the dorm while trying to quickly brainstorm ideas.

'Well, Artemis likes Fashion, he likes creative things and he likes exploring. We've already gone shopping though, and we went to that cafe a few days ago.. we also just walked around and explored the city that day too.' I thought to myself.

"What if i do something completely new?" I gasped out-loud. Well it was spring so, fairs were opening back up. And i had no idea if Artemis was into rides and fairgrounds. It was worth a try, it could either be an exciting night with big fast rides or we could just go on the smaller ones and relax depending on his preference! I smiled to myself.

-Artemis's POV-

I heard a knock on my door, i had come back from school like 10 minutes ago and all i had done was throw my bag on the floor and fall into bed. I quickly got up and opened the door to see Shino "Hello handsome! What brings you to visit?" I giggle to myself as he returns the laugh, stepping back into my room to let him make his way in. "Sooo... have you checked the date?" He asked me, walking to my side and then in-front of me looking in my eyes "uhhh... twenty seventh of may?.." i mumbled, slightly confused on where he was going with this.

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