The truth (MHO)

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(This is the first official continuation of Bryan's my hero origins, continuing after episode 21. AAAAAAAA ok i'm finally making this, i have an entire plot all scripted so this shit's gonna be proper. If theres any turns you'd like the story to take let me know<33)

May 24th, 2022. Shino and Artemis had been dating for 3 months, their 4 month mark hitting in 3 days. It was a weekend, dorm 8 was quiet and the 3 individuals all kept to their own space. Each of them receiving a ping from their phones all at the same time however.

Shino's KPop fans💗        -groupchat, 8 people
Artemis, Blake, Jack, Kiyo, RikKu, Shino, Shizu, Yuuto.


Blake: "i'm so bored"

Shino, Blake, Artemis, Yuuto are online

Shino: "ok"

Blake "wdym ok"

Artemis is offline

Shino: "@Artemis get back here plz"

Artemis and Kiyo are online

Artemis: "morning!!<33"

Yuuto: "i'm bored as well"

Kiyo: "hi yuuto"

Blake: "can we all do something"

Artemis: "like what?"

Shizu is online


RikKu is online

RikKu: "YES OK💗💗"

Shino: "where is it?"

Shizu: "****Address*****"


Blake: "is Jack still fucking asleep"

-Shino's POV-

Shizu had suggested a small Cafe, we all agreed to the plans -Jack who was still asleep. We decided we would just drag his ass with us while he was asleep if he didn't wake up by the time we were leaving.

The plan was unorganised, just stay in town and probably walk around after the cafe for a bit and get the last bus home back to the dorms.

However i had an extra plan i thought of, however it wasn't one for a groupchat. Artemis had mentioned that the place we were going to was in the same town as his orphanage, since our Conversation about returning there to ask his career's about his parents i thought it would be a nice idea. A fun day out, then close to the end going to the orphanage! If anything went bad Artemis was surrounded with close friends who would comfort him and then we would go home, and if it went well he could celebrate with his friends.

I thought through the plan, it all seemed to flawlessly work however there was once issue.

Is Artemis ready to know?

I walked up to his room and knocked on the door, he took a few minutes to reply so i checked the time. 09:39am. His door clicked open quickly and a face appeared in front of me "Hi shino!!" He smiled cheerfully. His outfit was different to his normal style, he wore low-rise flared jeans and black belt with some off-brand converse that looked worn, he wore a red halfway sleeved shirt that had light puff to the cuffs of the sleeves and had an open cut revealing his collarbone. His usual black choker and necklace with a bracelet i had won him in the arcades on one of our dates.

"You're outfit!" I gasped, feeling my face flush slightly, it was different but a good different! He suited the colour red a lot and his jeans were fuckin cool. I smiled up at him "i-its different huh!! I-is it bad?" He asked anxiously, looking down at himself analysing each thing he wore. "You look great Arty." I laughed as he flushed "YOU look great!! Finally out of that jacket?" He teased me slightly. I wore a hoodie with a band logo with "Kiss" written on it, then over my hoodie i had a leather jacket and my usual jeans on.

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