Dad?.. (MHO)

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-Artemis's POV-

I groaned and stirred awake, the sun bled through my curtains illuminating my room. I sat up slightly, my memory foggy and my body ached.
'What happened?' I thought to myself, looking to my side i saw Shino's sleeping shirtless figure next to me. Immediately memories sprang back.

Oh my god, me and Shino...

My face felt hotter, oh my god i can't believe we actually.. I've never done anything like that. It was different, i almost felt giddy. A part of me had zero regrets, if anything it made me flustered yet excited. Me and Shino went to that level and i enjoyed every moment of it, well except RikKu walking in.. that was so embarrassing.

"Shinoo?" I lightly nudged him as his eyes squinted "morning Arti.." he mumbled as i kissed his cheek "we have to get ready for school" i whispered gently
"Friday finallyyyy" Shino stretched, his shoulder making a slight pop sound as i sat next to him
"You ok after?.." he trailed off as i nodded "I-I can't believe we.. heh!" I giggled awkwardly "i hope you don't regret it or anything" Shino sighed as i shook my head quickly "it was embarrassing but nice!" I smiled "embarrassing?" He giggled at me "a lil.."

I stud up, Shino picking up his shirt and Jacket off the floor. I quickly zipped his pants off and passed them to him before wrapping myself in a blanket. I caught my reflection in the mirror, my hair was scruffy and my cheeks were slightly flushed. I glanced down at my neck and gasped, deep bruises and hickies were left on my collarbone, even some scattered on my lower stomach and inner thighs. "SHINO!!" I gasped flustered, pressing my hand lightly on my stained collarbone. He cackled to himself, hugging my waist gently "sorry Arti.. couldn't help myself" he giggled.

Shino had left to get his uniform on as i changed into my uniform as well, painting a thick coat of concealer on my neck until the marks were hidden then cleaning my room.

A few days had gone by, the weekend had passed and school had started back up. Each monarch student had gotten ready for a Tuesday morning and sat in class. Artemis's mental health had improved, he felt a little better in himself. The past few days were quiet with no negative drama or serious situation affecting him, he was still affected by the last week however he felt a bit more comfortable now.

It was now the first of June on a Tuesday morning, drawing closer to lunch with it only an hour away. We all sat in class, listening to Avian talk about different strategies and combat styles. Offensive, defensive, all that. I would like to think i was decent at planning strategies! In our student vs teacher battle i did good at leading my team and creating a good strategy.

Avian was interrupted by a flashing alarm, it beeped loudly and made me jump. Avian seemed to pause and look around confused as the class began to stir and panic. I stud up quickly and moved over to Shino who sat next to me and covered his ears as he stud up to meet me. Me and Shino stud in the back of the classroom with his head in the crook of my head while I kept a firm grip on his ears so he wasn't overstimulated.

"Whats going on??" Blake asked avian, the student council seemed to react quicker and almost more protective of the other students "there wasn't an intruder alarm planned for today" Avian announced "this is a real deal."

My heart seemed to drop into my stomach. Someone had broke into Monarch. The alarms suddenly shattered as glass flew across the classroom, each student yelled and jumped, I quickly covered Shino as i moved back slightly. Fortunately the noise had gone however there was still a light blaring from other surviving alarms. The classroom started to flash red as i uncovered Shino's ears gently

"The alarms gone Shino" I whispered to him as he nodded and regained himself "what the fuck is going on?" He asked, still gently holding onto me as i replied "i don't know, t-there's an intruder in the school apparently!.." i stuttered, nervousness floated around our class as we all stud away from the door incase a visitor came.

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