Origins of the curse

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(My interpretation of Bastet is not meant to be cannon to Egyptian beliefs, I'm just writing Bastet to how i see best fits the story)

Inpu had imagined having to lead the conversation with Mors, with Solis standing around him cluelessly as Inpu scolded Mors for his childish curse.

However, when it clicked for Solis that Mors was the same man who had tried to murder his nephew and now had placed a curse on his other.. nephew - confusing family tree, Solis was just as annoyed as Inpu. Solis had promised to protect the triplets, and now having the chance to take revenge on the guy who kidnapped Atlas along side with defending Kaiba he was more than happy to cone along.

"Mors!" Inpu yelled, walking through his portal into the cold air of Mors's home, the marble under his feet being an uncomfortable change. They walked around the path to Mors's house, honestly lost in the unfamiliar surroundings.

The large double doors opened, Mors walking out with Korina following behind. "Inpu, didn't expect you to visit" Mors chuckled to himself, despite their previous agreement to have no contact with each other once the Seductive Rose was dead he had reappeared at his home with company.

Inpu scoffed, with Solis giving him a violent glare. Mors quickly realised this wouldn't be a very pleasant visit. "Don't be stupid Mors, after the stunt you pulled you should've known someone would come confront you" Inpu scolded him, folding his arms at him as Mors continued to look at him with an amused smile.

Korina looked at Mors in confusion, however realising the amused look on his face not being sinister she felt more comfortable. "What stunt did i pull Inpu?" Mors sighed at him, watching Inpu just roll his eyes.

"The curse! You're lucky it's not Ashara here!" Solis snapped at him, after listening to Kaiba ramble about Ashara, Solis knew that if Ashara had come with them for the conversation it wouldn't be as civil as it was now.

Mors's amused face fell a little. "Is this about the cat?" He asked, which visibly made the two Egyptians in front of him more annoyed. Mors sighed, realising he actually had to engage in the conversation. "Look, i don't know about any curse. I genuinely don't give a fuck about Kaiba, i don't care enough about him to put some stupid curse on him."

Inpu's anger fell more into confusion, despite not liking Mors, he could tell whenever he was being a sarcastic dick or genuine. "You actually didn't put the Curse on Kaiba?" Solis asked, sharing Mors's confusion. Mors frowned at him, clearly getting fed up with their weird attitude.

"What curse are we even talking about" Mors huffed, leaning against his door already wanting to slam the door on them and ignore any other attempts of conversation. Inpu opened his book, opening it to the page with Kaiba's curse written in on it. Mors skimmed the pages, reading each line.

Once he finished reading he chuckled to himself. "That's an Egyptian curse, I don't know that type of magic." Mors replied, finally his patience wearing thin with their accusations and ushering Korina into Mors's home before closing the door on Inpu and Solis.

The two sent each other a confused and weirded out look. Mors genuinely had no idea who had put the curse on Kaiba. So who had?


Kaiba jogged down the Pyramids corridors, Ashara following on his tail. The way was all so familiar to him, memories of when he was young running down the corridors to his mother's chambers to pester her with any questions, or beg for her attention.

Two guards stud outside, noticing Kaiba immediately. "Your grace" they greeted him, bowing their heads in respect. Ashara noticed the servants here weren't as formal to Kaiba as Kaiba's servants were. Maybe that was because they were Bastet's servants and not his own.

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