Suicide Squad AU

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(So remember how I cancelled the villain AU? Yeah, this is basically it just Artemis isn't the only villain and it's less sad and more sexual... maybe some of you guys prefer that butt..)

Plotlines are so delicate, in the universe one change of the cannon can impact a character soo dearly.

In my hero origins their timeline fell perfectly, each event in their lives falling right into play so their path could lead them to Monarch Academy. To the hero licences. To the heroes.

However there had to be some universes where their cards didn't lead to innocence. For some of Monarch Academies students so many decisions in their life had to be changed, for others it was only one key event that shifted if they went good or bad.

Artemis's was pretty easy. It was that small decision from Ronin to chase his dad until he surrendered, that decision of Ronin's led to Amare Divil giving up his son to a nearby orphanage with no way they'd know Artemis was his, so Ronin would follow him less closely as he wasn't worried about an infants safety.

But in this timeline, Ronin wasn't scared for the infants safety. He dealt with Amare as he dealt with all other villains, meaning the pressure to abandon his son was mere extinct.

In this timeline, Artemis was never an orphan. Lilium orphanage never met their once beloved Artemis divil. He was raised with his Dad for the rest of his life, he was raised as a villain.

One can only take so much abuse. Artemis was put on the national villain wanted list after murdering his father.

RikKu was put on the national wanted list for taking another life trying to protect her mother. Unfortunately her efforts were in vane.

Shizu was put on the national wanted list for finally having enough of their manipulative parents.

Yuki was put on the national wanted list after escaping her mental health facility, and in her escape taking the lives of the staff who kept her there.

Kiyo and Saphire were put on the list after going on their own little 'spree' after their adoptee father was taken out the picture.

The only people who managed to scrape their way onto their cannon pathway was Shino, Jack and Blake. However unable to actually make the cut for the proper hero academy, they had both settled for the police force instead.

And that was their universe, the same side they fought against in so many other realities was now the side they worked for. Well, most of them.


The office was rather dull, Shino carried large stacks of paper work to and from filing cabinets. The police force could get boring sometimes, despite the fact him and Blake worked for the most important branch of police recruits.

Their police building was connected to their asylums, where they kept some of the most dangerous villains in vigilantis.

"Shino?" A knock on the door came, Jack's head visible through the glass walls of the office. Shino nodded him in, threading his hands through his hair in a huff. Despite the fact Jack was meant to refer to Shino formally as Jack was only a new recruit and Shino was a higher up, the two has formed a slight friendship.

Jack allowed himself into the office on Shino's permission, sitting down on his desk chair, the small motors on it making it spin slightly as he sat. "Nothing better to do?" Shino teased, tapping the stack of papers against the desk in front of him in order to even them out. Jack shrugged, honestly most his job was cuffing weak villains and rescuing cats from trees.

"Nopee... quiet day." Jack responded, picking up a pen from Shino's desk and clicking it up and down. Shino slid the papers into a draw, before picking up an eraser from nearby and chucking it at jack to get him to stop clicking the pen, jack responded with a frustrated yelp as he threw the eraser back.

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