Would've preferred to be an orphan (MHO)

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(TW: this chapter contains vidid and detailed gore, alcoholism and detailed abuse. If you're triggered or upset by these topics please click away from the chapter.)

Artemis's first day back was great, he actually enjoyed majority of his lessons - even science which he didn't personally like. He found it so cool and interesting but he just couldn't understand it and it frustrated him. It was easier when Shino explained it to him however, Shino was a massive science geek - he got to goof around with his friends in the library while they all looked for books they needed.

Artemis frequented the Library often actually. He didn't consider himself much of a reader, when in reality he read a lot. He saw all his friends at break and lunch which was nice too, even with his detentions, sure Avians classes were shorter due to Venus's pregnancy but they were still interesting and Avians dad jokes were something he normally wouldn't ever admit to missing but they did make him laugh.

Eventually the 6 hour school day came to a close and the trio of dorm 8 walked back to their dorm. The conversation filled with laughter and little comments, RikKu mainly carried the conversation as she was in an amazing mood and was super excited. Shino was the opposite, he was so tired practically yawning the whole way home however he still laughed and engaged with someone he saw as a younger sister.

When Artemis got back to the dorm he opened his school bag and emptied the contents of it on his bed. He was staying at his mums for the night, he wasn't as excited as he normally was. Miguel was at work and was only coming back in later which was upsetting, Artemis really liked Miguel. He hoped Miguel and his mum would stay together longer then Marie and Amare did, Miguel was funny and cool.

However Marie was told about Artemis's incident at the prison and his suspension. Marie said she needed to talk to him and he should probably stay the night. He didn't mention that part to anyone, Shino was already on edge and not quite fond of Marie after it came out about Marie's episode and her attempt on Artemis's life when he was younger, Shino probably wouldn't have let him stay if he knew Marie was mad at him.

Artemis didn't know how to act, he just deep breaths and packed his stuff. He wasn't mad at Marie, he could hardly remember Amare's abuse but yet the thought that it had happened upset Arti enough. He couldn't imagine how Marie felt living with the memories. He couldn't be mad, he finally had her back. Maybe he should mention it however.

-Artemis's POV-

I kissed Shino on the cheek and hugged RikKu goodbye. My mum was waiting for me outside in Miguel's car. "Make sure you message!" Shino told me, a tiny bit of anxiousness slipping into his voice. I sighed, kissing him again "it's only one night cutie, i'll call you when i get there. I'll be ok" i told him as he smiled and nodded "he'll probably sleep in your bed too" RikKu teased him as Shino scowled at her and blushed. I giggled.

I finally made it out the door and ran down the street, i had kept her waiting a few minutes because of Shino saying he would miss me.. he was so cute, i'd miss him to.

I approached the car, she noticed me and wiped her eyes. My heart dropped into my stomach, Marie avoided looking at me or making eye contact with me while i was in the car. It was silent, the car journey was tense and uncomfortable. I knew she was angry about the whole prison and seeing my dad thingy.

I caught her looking at me through her rear view mirror. Her eyes were dead and it was a cold stare that made me shudder and look away quickly. My leg started to bounce and i started to fidget. I took deep breaths and pulled out my phone "missing you and RikKu already<33" i messaged Shino as he quickly opened it

"We miss you too, how's the car journey?" He replied as i smiled lightly at the screen. At least Shino could distract me from the tense atmosphere "weird haha, she's playing some weird french music" i lied. I didn't want to let Shino know it was uncomfortable, not only would he worry about me but he already disliked my mum since the incident.. i wanted them to get along so i just didn't mention it.

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