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(I think it's pretty obvious to tell... i know nothing about Colins character. Absolutely nothing, couldn't tell you a thing... so is he out of character? Absolutely. However i got the most amazing recommendation from Kawaiime4410 and i could not turn this down so..)

L.O.V.E could've been something. They had the potential, but it always had to be fucked up.

It was just ironic the "fuck up" came from inside. Shino for some reason just couldn't take the bridge.. incident, for someone so opinionated about heroes he seemed to side with them often.

And the facility thing. How he thought he would stop it, how him and Kiyo conspired against them to stop them destroying it, despite the cruelty of their actions. Colin thought since Flex was Shino's friend Shino would understand why they would blow up that facility.

Colin thought it was completely unfair. It it was Shino's little boyfriend who was tortured in the facility Shino probably would've blown it up the moment he heard about it. But because Shino now had 'morals' and was with the heroes he was better then Kol and Flex and him and Ana and everyone else involved with L.O.V.E

Colin almost resented Shino, destroying something that could've been their future all because of his morals. It was a sick thought he had, if only Shino knew what Colin had done previously to his boyfriend, it made him feel slightly better he had inconvenienced Kiyo and Artemis prior this.

But then again, he hadn't had the last laugh. A small part of him wanted some 'revenge', to stir up something small yet stressful to Shino just enough to inconvenience him like he had done to L.O.V.E

After all revenge was best served when you target something important to them.

The school beg rang for lunch, chatter immediately springing into the air as everyone got ready to go to their break. "Stay behind" Avian said, tapping Artemis's shoulder which stunned him slightly however he complied, watching all the other students float out the room as he stayed behind his desk waiting for Avian to begin talking

"Artemis, this is the fourth time you've been on your phone in lessons... it's Tuesday." Avian sighed, folding his arms slightly as he looked at Artemis who was visibly tense. He was aware of Artemis's situation, a timid guy who grew up with practically nothing finally got a phone and was so excited to have one he just couldn't put it down. He understood.

Avian had tried to be lenient with him however if he continued to let Artemis off with it both of them could get in trouble with Kowalski. Artemis sighed, "I know, i'm sorry, I was just busy I-" Artemis tried to defend himself however Avian didn't seem too convinced. "Busy texting Shino?" Avian asked, watching Artemis's excuses almost deflate knowing he didn't have good reason for it. "It's fine fancy pants, Just tomorrow can we keep the phone away?" Avian compromised

"So i'm not in trouble?.." Artemis asked, small suspense building in the classroom as he hoped he would be let off with it just one more time. "Nope, lunch detention" Avian told him, receiving a rather exasperated huff however Artemis didn't argue, which made it easier for the both of them.

So Artemis had a lunch detention, with no opportunity to tell his friends either as during detentions phoned were confiscated and locked in a box in the staff room until the end of the day.

So his friends were very confused when they all waited at their usual table and Artemis didn't arrive. "Maybe he's just busy? Knowing Artemis he's off in the library designing for reading!" Shizu shrugged, deciding not to worry about it too much, maybe Artemis was just finding his own independence.

"Or maybe he's crying somewhere.." RikKu mumbled back, leaning her head on Shizu's shoulder who sent her a small look. "Don't be stupid, he's fine" Shino told her, surprisingly not the most bothered about Artemis's anxiousness.

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