Overstimulated. (Shino x Artemis hurt/Confort)

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(Shino is overwhelmed and overstimulated. Shino angst with Artemis comfort)

-Shino's POV-

Class was getting worse by the minute. everyone was loud and the noise ran through my ears and sting, yet i could hear the lights buzzing and the shine seeping and burning my brain. My heart was pounding and my thoughts were racing, i was practically begging for the bell to ring so i could go home.

I was completely overstimulated

My anxious breaths were barely drowned out by the long chime of the last bell, i immediately grabbed my stuff and was out the classroom before anyone else and made my way back to the dorm as my hands trembled with each door i passed through.

-Blake's POV-

Shino immediately ran out of lesson. I stud in the doorway watching him speed down the hall in complete shock and confusion. "What the fuck?" I sighed, snapping out of my shocked trance "is he ok??" Artemis appeared to my side
"I don't know, he just ran off!" I replied, feeling rather worried now.

Shino's been my best friend for ages, sometimes we argue sure but i know everything about him. I think.. something was wrong, Shino's quite an easily overwhelmed person. I racked my brain trying to figure out what was going on. Has he had a panic attack?

"He seems anxious" Artemis fed evidence into my small mental investigation on Shino, his evidence just confirming my suspicions. "Blake come on we need to go before we're late" Jack called me over, shit, i had made plans with Jack meaning i couldn't check on Shino at the point. I sighed again, pulling out my phone and texting him "are you ok?? Why'd you leave so quick"

"Artemis can you go check on Shino?" I asked him quickly, just catching his "mhm!!" And a nod before i joined Jack down the corridor

-Artemis's POV-

Honestly? I didn't have any idea where Shino could be, i just decided to go back to our dorm and look there and if he wasn't there i'd just walk around and try find him.

I followed Blake's instructions and opened my dorm door, i was so worried for him. My heart felt like it was being slightly squeezed. "Shino?" I called out and waited

"Artemis?" Shino yelled from downstairs, his voice was shaky and his words fell when he tried to finish my name. I quickly ran down stairs and saw his door open, "you ok? Shino can i come in?" I softened my voice as i approached his room "y-yeah" he breathed as i entered his room, he sat on his bed hugging himself with a hand tugging on his hair

-Shino's POV-

I couldn't control my breathing and my heart continued to beat violently as i felt a pressure on my chest and a continued to choke down sobs. I locked eyes with Artemis but my vision was blurry with tears, i tried my hardest to compose myself to see him "Oh my god, Shino my love, are you ok?" He sat down next to me, holding a hand out for me

I tried to respond but all i could manage was a shaky gasp and sob. "Hey hey take your time" Artemis consoled me "i-i don't know i'm freaking out i can't breathe!!" My clothes sat wrong on my body and my ears continued to burn. Every single sense was painful and i continued to tremble, accepting Artemis's touch and holding my hand across my mouth to choke my sobs "Shino, you're hyperventilating. I need to you breathe for me ok?" I cupped my face and moved my hands from my mouth so i could breathe. I tried listening to him but my trembling refused to cease

"Ok with me ok? In... and out.." Artemis took deep breaths and i followed, hiccing and my breath shaky. I tried to move my hands to cover my ears but my hands shook too much that i couldn't cover my ears enough to drown out the buzzing of the lights. I felt Artemis's hands come up to my head and he covered my ears for me, i fell into his chest.

My whole world silenced, my vision went dark and i wrapped my arms around his waist. Copying his deep breathing. He gently kissed my head and continued to hold my tightly

I felt my heart calm down and my body behind to exhaust.

-Artemis's POV-

Shino's arms around my waist became limp as his breathing slowed into his normal rhythmic breaths. I loosened my grip on his ears slowly just incase he still needed me to cover them, when he didn't react i knew it was all ok now. "Shino?" I stroked his cheek and his eyes squinted and opened, he took my hand and comfortingly squeezed it "i'm ok Arty, I'm sorry" he looked up at me and kissed my cheek "why are you sorry?? Are you ok now? What happened?" I asked him, really worried yet grateful he had calmed down

He laughed lightly "i just had a panic attack, its fine, i'm fine now. Thank you" he sat up more to look at me deeply. "Oh shino, i'm sorry, its ok. You're safe now. I'm here, i love you so much ok? If you need anything just ask." I hugged him as he returned it, his eyes were exhausted "i know silly, i was just overstimulated. I promise it's all over"

Shino's eyes closed against my chest. I stayed with him just incase he needed anything, his light snores filled the silence of the room

-RikKu's POV-

I came home as soon as i could, a small incident with the Cafe club kept me back slightly. (Out of stock on most things, fucking Shizu eating all the frosting and fruit) i opened the door for dorm 8. Shino's small incident lingered in my mind as i walked down to his room to check on him. His door was open yet is room was silent. I knocked just on the wall to let anyone know i was there "RikKu?" I heard Artemis say as i entered the room. Shino was asleep and Artemis was hugging him "is everything ok?" I asked worried "uhuh, he just had a panic attack" Artemis nodded, letting me know Shino was ok.

"Are you ok RikKu?" Artemis smiled at me, as i walked over and sat next to Artemis "nnnnnn i'm so tired!!" I complained to him with a yawn, he laughed in reply "i think we all are.." he studied a sleeping Shino, i followed his glance to Shino's puffy eyes resting on Artemis's chest "i'm worried about him.." i mumbled, my voice sad.

Shino does so much for me, he's a close friend of mine and I know i can talk to him. He keeps my secrets and always makes sure i'm safe. He's someone i always feel comfortable talking to and he helps the chibi coven out a lot. I hated thinking he could be upset

Artemis looked at me with a saddened expression "c'mon RikKu cheer up!! He'll be ok, he's strong, like you!!" Artemis kept one arm around Shino and used his other arm to pull me into a hug, i fell forward slightly and hugged him back. Artemis was also great, he was such a naturally empathetic person and he cared a lot. He always put everyone else before himself. I yawned, feeling my eyes now heavy

-Artemis's POV-

Shino was fast asleep, i don't think anything could wake him up. RikKu drifted off to sleep too, it was nice. I had one arm gently holding Shino while i stroked my hands through his hair and with my other arm i hugged RikKu. We had all been busy, and i think everyone felt a little down

I felt better knowing i could do something about it! I couldn't sleep however, but i was used to staying awake while everyone else around me was sleeping. I mean i grew up in an orphanage, i wasn't ever phased by taking care of people, it was something i had grown up doing. I stayed awake just listening to the sound of Shino and RikKu's breathing. I don't know how long they spelt for as i had no means of telling the time, my phone was in my pocket and i couldn't really move my arms.

Fucking RikKu third wheeling huh?

Shino's eyes flinched and he rubbed his face and sat up "Arti?" He mumbled, making eye contact with me "hi shinoo!" I smiled

-Shino's POV-

I finally woke up, i felt sorta tired yet a lot calmer. I woke up on Artemis's chest. I must've fallen asleep after my manic attack, Artemis smiled at me, i noticed RikKu lying next to us asleep. I laughed "did RikKu fall asleep?" I asked him
"Yeah, she came down to check on you, she was really worried" he let me know, i felt bad for her actually.

Fuck i've caused some shit hey? Everyone seems worried about me now.

"I'm gonna get a drink, do you wanna come with me?" I asked him, Artemis didn't look as if he had slept while me and RikKu did. I pulled out my phone to check the time, i had been asleep for half an hour.
I smiled to myself, Artemis stayed down here with me just sitting there for half an hour to make sure i was ok, fuck i didn't deserve him. "Sure!" He smiled at me with faint rosy cheeks "just leave RikKu here, she can sleep for a bit longer" i stood up and Artemis rested the sleeping girl down and followed me out my room.

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