I decided to spend the last 15 minutes of freedom by texting Emma.
Nicole: Hey Emma ! what's up?
Emma: *answers immediately* hey Nicole ! nm. like literally, nothing at all. Im sooooo bored that when I got this text I thought OMG! FINALLY SOMETHING TO DO!
Nicole: so that's why u answered so quickly
Emma: so whats up with u?
Nicole: well I have 15 minutes of freedom b4 7 guys strangle me 2 death and torture me 4 a whole 2 days
Emma: 😳
Nicole: 😐
Emma: 😟
Nicole: 😕
Emma: ummm....
Nicole: yep
Emma: care 2 explain?
Nicole: oh yeah sure. sorry about that
Emma: no prob
Nicole: well this band of 5 people were supposed 2 come over and there was supposed 2 be one girl but that one girl had 2 work so now 4 guys r coming over. why did the girl have 2 work? this is my life emma
Emma: LOL 😂
Nicole: 😡
Emma: 😔 sorry. man we use a lot of emojis don't we?
Nicole: yes. yes we do 😀
Emma: Lol anyway Im so sorry u have 2 stay with 7 boys for 2 days. Thats just sad
Nicole: but the good thing is that I look really pretty!! I got all dolled up 4 them. Ill send u a pic of my whole body
Emma: that sounds weird but OK!
Nicole: *sends pic*
Emma: OH... EM... GEE. Nicole u look gorgeous!
Nicole: thanks Emma !
Emma: what band is coming over anyway?
Nicole: R5
Nicole: R u a fan?
Emma: eh.
Nicole: oh no. now I only have 10 minutes of freedom!
Emma: why? r they coming in 10 minutes ?
Nicole: yeah
Emma: Aww it's ok. u never know. maybe u will have fun
Nicole: yeah I might but I would have more fun with A GIRL
Emma: oh no. I have a problem
Nicole: what is it
Emma: Nicole I have 2 go
Emma: Im sorry but I really have 2 go. Don't worry. u will be fine. how about u spend the last 10 minutes thinking about something 2 talk about with them so that they won't think u r a quiet freak
Nicole: Kk bye!
Emma: bye!
I turned off my iPod and thought hard. What should I talk about? I have nothing to talk about. I don't talk to people, they talk to me. Maybe I am a quiet freak. I just hope R5 don't think that. Sigh. Oh, my gosh. I think I just heard the door bell. THEY'RE HERE EARLY!!! Wow... I did not see that coming... 😳... I heard the door open downstairs, then I heard talking and laughing and a door closing. No. I'm not coming out. I'm too scared. What if they do notice my makeup? What if they think I was trying too hard to look good? What if they think I'm a quiet freak? All these things are piling up in my head. All of a sudden, I heard Ashton call me downstairs. "Nicole! They're here!" He yelled. There was a huge pit in my stomach. I took a deep breath, opened my door, and went downstairs. I hope they all don't just focus on me. Then its going to be really awkward. Kind of like when I first met One Direction. When I saw them all, all 4 people saw me at the same time. It was creepy. Ash, Calum and Luke then looked at me. Ugh, just what I didn't want. This is One Direction all over again. I honestly felt like breaking down in tears. Then one of the guys walked up to me. I glanced at my arm and thought, hmm, who fits this guy's description? "Hi, I'm Rocky," the guy said. Wow, I guess I didn't have to do anything. He held his hand out for me to shake and I shook it. Oh, my gosh, his hands are so big. When he shook my hand, the shake was light and just when he shook it, his eyes opened wide and he smiled. Then Ratliff came and said, "Hi, how ya' doing?" I replied, "Good, thanks." Then for some reason, he had the exact same reaction as Rocky. A wide eyed smile. It was like a smile that you get when someone surprises you big time. Then Ross came up to me and said, "Hey, I'm Ross." He smiled at me and I smiled back and then guess what reaction he did. THE SAME ONE! Why is everyone reacting the same way? The last one was Riker who came up and said, "Hi, I'm Riker. Nice to meet you, Nicole." I replied, "Nice to meet you too." And Riker was the only one to not have that reaction. Finally! Then Ash made a joke and said, "Well not that's over, let's have some cake!!!!" Then Calum hit him in the arm as Ash said, "Ouch." We all laughed and when I laughed, Riker looked at me and gave me THE SAME REACTION AS EVERYONE ELSE! OMG!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?! Soon enough, we all went to the couch and they started conversing amongst themselves. They were so interested in their own jokes and funny stories that they didn't notice me slip away. I went up to my room and closed the door and thought about what had happened. Did I do something wrong? Why did they all give me that same look? It must be some type of family thing. I wonder if Rydel would do the same. But it's so weird. It's almost as like whenever I made a single movement, they got shocked. All of a sudden, I heard one voice downstairs talking. It was Rocky. Then Ratliff. Then Ross. Then Riker. And they were talking about... ME! And what I heard come out of their mouths shocked me. The answer to my question was finally answered and I would've never -- and I mean NEVER -- thought the answer would be what it is now...

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...