We talked for awhile and I looked at the clock. It was 4:51. I decided to text Taylor.
Nicole: Hey Tay!
Taylor: (5 minutes later) Hey Nicole! Whats up?
Nicole: Nm. Calum just took me 2 the new park near our house
Taylor: Really? that's so cool! 😝
Nicole: ikr? So whats new with u?
Taylor: oh nm. Just been relaxing, drank some juice boxes, got a date, watched some TV and took a nap
Nicole: I c what u did there. okay, who is the guy?
Taylor: His name is Eli.
Nicole: ELI!?!? You mean Eli Bianco?!?!?
Taylor: Yep!
Nicole: good job
Taylor: thanks. Jessica told me u were in2 him and I just wanted 2 know if u r okay with me dating him
Nicole: Jessica said that?
Taylor: Yeah
Nicole: well she is right and she is also wrong
Taylor: what do u mean?
Nicole: well before, she was always banging on about how I should date Eli and how we would be a perfect couple. And yeah, I do kinda like him but not majorly
Taylor: oh now I get it
Nicole: so I am ok with u dating him. I'm happy 4 u
Taylor: thnx
Nicole: that's what friends do
Taylor: just wondering, what high school r u going 2?
Nicole: I'm not sure yet.
Taylor: everyone is going 2 OD Park
Nicole: well that's why I'm hoping 2 go there, yet i still kind of want 2 go 2 Patrick Fogarty
Nicole: Really?!?!? Thats awesome! But what about Jessica and Emma?
Taylor: they r going 2 OD. Ny parents r forcing me 2 go 2 PF.
Nicole: No way.
Taylor: Yes way. I guess u will just have 2 leave me be. Thats life
Nicole: I've decided. I'm going 2 PF.
Taylor: What? But Jessica and Emma r going 2 OD.
Nicole: I know but u r the friend that lives the farthest away from my house so if I hang out with u at school, it will be fun and then after school, I can hang with Emma and Jess because they both live nearby
Taylor: Good logic! But just so u know, Emma, Jessica and I will be going off 2 high school a year before u do
Nicole: don't remind me. I promise not 2 make any new friends while u r gone. why did I have 2 have grade 8 friends? I gotta go. Ashton is calling me
Taylor: okay bye!
Nicole: bye!
I turned off my iPod and went to Ashton's room. He was still on his laptop. "Are you still on that TwigCam thing?" I asked. Then he looked at me and said, "Its a TWIT cam. Anyway, the fans want you to show up on the camera." I whined and slumped. "But I don't want to," I said. He then responded, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say you had a choice?" I paused, and then mimicked him as I walked over to the laptop. He sat me down on his lap. "Say hello to the viewers again," he said.
Nicole: Hello to the viewers again.
Ashton: (groans) Really?
Nicole: You walked right into that one.
Ashton: Anyway, they fans said you ran off when Luke called you and never came back.
Nicole: Oh, well I kinda got distracted.
Ashton: Doing what?
Nicole: I started to text my friends.
Ashton: What friends?
Nicole: Well, it was actually only one friend.
Ashton: What was her name?
Nicole: Who said it was a her?
Ashton: (gasps)
Nicole: I'm kidding! Her name was Taylor.
Ashton: Isn't that the girl who used to bully you?
Nicole: Yeah, but it's over now.
Ashton: Well, you meet know, Nicole. Maybe she could turn on you again.
Nicole: Okay, do we really have to talk about this in front of 59 046 people?
Ashton: I guess not.
Nicole: Wait, more people have joined.
Ashton: Oh, yeah. I don't know why though. Its not like I'm famous or anything.
Nicole: Riiiight.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...