At lunch, I told Jessica, Emma, and Taylor to wait a minute because I needed to talk to Eli about Carson. I saw him at a group with a whole bunch of boys talking together. I walked up to the group and said to Eli sternly, "We need to talk." All the boys stopped talking, looked at me, and whistled. They started nudging Eli and one of them said, "Hey, man, who's your girlfriend?'' I looked at that kid immediately and said, "I'm not his girlfriend." At that moment, Eli stood up and said, "One moment, guys." They laughed and another one said, "Take all the time you need, dude." I walked away with Eli into the halls.
Eli: What was that? You just embarrassed me in front of my friends. You couldn't have said "we need to talk" in a less stern, more polite way?
Nicole: No. No, I couldn't. Now you said we would talk at lunch. So what did Carson say?
Eli: Why do you care? He's long gone. He's been gone for like, months. Maybe a year.
Nicole: *puts hands on hips* I assume you haven't heard but Carson's made a few breakouts out of jail and paid me a few visits, thank you very much.
Eli: *covers mouth* Oh, my god. No way. He - he hasn't.
Nicole: Yes, you're right. Because I would be lying about something like this.
Eli: Nicole, I swear I didn't know. I mean, I didn't know Carson was capable of all this. I thought he'd have given up already. Not continuously trying. That's just not who he is.
Nicole: Well clearly you don't know him that well, but that's not what this is about. Tell me what he said.
Eli: Oh, yes, yes, of course. Um, Carson always told me you were a bit of a brat, like you knew everything in the world. He said you acted like you were an expert on everything like cats, dogs, animals, nature, anything. And the truth is, he's kind of right.
Nicole: Well I'm no cactus expert but I know a prick when I see one, Eli! How dare you say that to me?!
Eli: Hey, his words, not mine. Geez, chill out, Nicole. I'm sorry. Listen, I told you what you wanted to know. Now is this conversation over?
Nicole: *sighs* Fine.
Then Eli left and so did I. I went to sit with my friends after that and we talked. After school, I got home and when I opened the door, Calum came running to me and he hugged me immediately. "Oh, Nicole! I was waiting for you to come home! How was school?" He said enthusiastically. I smiled and said, "It was great."
Calum: So no drama? Nobody was mean to you? Did you have to use your pepper spray?
Nicole: Nope. Well, there were these 3 new girls who were total brats to me in the morning but I ignored them and then there was Eli who told me Carson -- *covers mouth*
Calum: What about Eli and Carson? Nicole, tell me right this instant.
Nicole: Okay, okay. Eli just told me that Carson had once said that I was a brat and that I acted like a was an expert on everything so then I just smart mouthed him and we ended the conversation.
Calum: So nothing else other than that?
Nicole: No, I don't -- wait. Jessica and Taylor did get in a big fight this morning but they made up at lunch.
Calum: Wow. I wouldn't have expected the 2 preppiest friends you have to suddenly get gloomy on each other and fight. I would've expected Emma or someone like that.
Nicole: Yeah, me too. Anyway, other than that, I had a really good day at school.
Calum: Well I'm glad to hear that. Anyway, I was waiting for you to come home because I wanted to ask you about a specific singer.
Nicole: Okay, shoot.
Calum: You know Shawn Mendes?
Nicole: Oh, my god, yes! I love him! I mean, not as much as Taylor Swift but I still love him a lot!
Calum: Then knowing me must be a great advantage for you because he's coming over this afternoon.
Nicole: No way.
Calum: Yes way.
Nicole: You're kidding.
Calum: I'm not kidding.
Nicole: Calum, this is awesome! Why is he coming over?
Calum: Well I don't know. We knew The Vamps quite well and The Vamps knew him really well so they introduced him to us and he seemed like a really cool guy so we became buds. He's just coming over to hang out.
Nicole: Well this is going to be AMAZING! I can't wait! What time is he coming?
Calum: At 5:00 so in and hour or so. He's going to be having dinner with us.
Nicole: Well that means I have an hour to get ready. This rocks!
I ran upstairs to my room and chose an outfit to wear for Shawn.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...