After that, Zayn came downstairs and said, "Guys, you won't believe what I just saw. A bird just flew right into the window in Ashton's room." Louis then said, "What? No way, is it okay?" Then we all went upstairs and saw a bird on the windowsill outside the window. It's wing was hurt. I opened the window and Harry grabbed the bird. He put it down on Ashton's bed and then Liam said, "It's wing is hurt. Should we help it?"
Nicole: What do we do?
Zayn: Get a bandage or something.
Liam: Nicole, where are the bandages?
Nicole: Um, check the supply closet downstairs. There should be a first aid kit there.
Liam: (gets first aid kit and comes back) Okay, here it is.
Harry: Are you sure we should bandage it? Somebody should search up how to fix it.
Louis: I'll do it with my phone. (Searches up)
Nicole: Oh, my god, what bird flies into a window? Seriously.
Liam: I don't know. It must've wanted to get in.
Louis: Okay! I got something. Apparently you're supposed to feed it something first.
Harry: What do we feed it?
Zayn: Maybe a granola bar. You know, like little pieces of it. Nicole, do you have any granola bars?
Nicole: I think we do. Let me go check.
I went downstairs and saw Niall still watching TV. "Niall, did you hear? A bird flew into the window upstairs." He widened his eyes and said surprised, "What!?" I told him to go upstairs if he wanted to see it. He ran upstairs and I made my way to the kitchen. I searched all over for the granola bars and soon enough, I found it and I took the wrapper off. I went upstairs to Ashton's room and saw them there. "Here you go," I said as I handed Zayn a granola bar. He pulled off a piece of the bar and put it in front of the bird's face. Louis joked and said, "Careful, Zayn. You don't wanna lose a finger there." Then Zayn said, "Shut up, Louis." I laughed and then the bird ate the piece. Harry said, "Feed it a bit more. What does it say we do now, Louis?" Louis then read off his phone, "You have to carefully lift up the wing while it's distracted eating and wrap the bandages around it softly. Who wants to do that?" Niall raised his hand and said, "I do!" Then he got the bandages and Zayn continued to feed it. Niall carefully and calmly put the bandage around the injury on the wing. It took about a minute and then Niall tied it. It was all done. I then said, "Is it done?"
Niall: I think so.
Zayn: See if the bird thinks so.
Harry: (Picks bird up) Fly, little birdie.
The bird then tried to fly and it succeeded. "We did it!" I said happily. We all cheered as the bird flew out the window. Niall said, "Let's face it, guys. I did most of the work so I did it. Yay for me!" Then we all laughed.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...