Chapter 6

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"You guys are cruel," Ash said. Then he began walking to the kitchen to wash it off. "That was hilarious," Calum said. I responded, "Yeah, it was."

Calum: You know, I never expected you to be the pranking type.

Nicole: Well I am. I just find it quite odd how you and I both decided to prank Ashton at the same time. Are you the pranking type too?

Calum: A little bit.

Nicole: I think we'll get along real well.

Calum: (laughs) I think so too.

Then Ashton came back with a totally clean face, but also an angry face. "Meanies," Ashton said. We laughed and then came through the door was Luke. He had a pack of guitar strings in his hand. "Well hello, fellow idiots," Luke said as he closed the door. I chuckled and Ashton said to Luke, "They were mean to me!! They put whipped cream on my face!"

Luke: What?!?!

Nicole: Actually, you put whipped cream on your face.

Calum: (laughs)

Ashton: Luke, you're her babysitter! Punish her.

Luke: Okay, then... uhh... Grounded.

Nicole: WHAT?!?!?! Come on, Luke. Why?

Luke: Well because you shouldn't have done... uh... whatever you did.

Ashton: Yeah! What he said!

Nicole: Okay, that is so unfair!!!!

Luke: No, it's the rules.

Nicole: You know what? Fine! What are you going to ground me from, huh? It's not like I go to parties or friends houses!!!

Luke: Oh, yeah. Uhh... I'll ground you from... Ooh, I know! Your iPod!

Nicole: Thats okay. I don't use my iPod that much.

Luke: Dang it! Uh, Ashton?

Ashton: Yeah?

Luke: What exactly can I do to punish Nicole?

Ashton: Well you could... I mean, you can... I guess you... I don't know!!!!

Nicole: Well then I guess I can't be punished, can I?

Luke: Well... I guess not. Sorry, Ash.

Nicole: Yeah. Sorry, Ash!

Ashton: Ugh! (leaves house)

Then I went up to my room. I then thought about what just happened. I actually do play on my iPod a lot. Thank goodness Luke didn't believe me that I didn't use it that much. In fact, I think Jessica is back from the dentist. If she is, she'll answer my text right away.

Nicole: Hey Jessie! R u back from the dentist yet?

Jessica: Yup! what's up?!?

Nicole: I just almost got grounded! but I saved myself! 💪 I'm awesome!

Jessica: cool! what did u almost get grounded from?

Nicole: putting whipped cream on Ashton's face with my new friend, Calum

Jessica: oh that trick lol! awesome!! was he sleeping?

Nicole: yeah he slept through a scary movie

Jessica: wow that's weird!

Nicole: ur right!!!! LOL

Jessica: so whatcha doing right now?

Nicole: I can tell u what I'm not doing... being grouned!!! 😂

Jessica: true dat!

Nicole: but what I'm really doing is just sitting on my bed in my room txting u

Jessica: wow u need 2 get a life

Nicole: I know maybe I should start music

Jessica: wow!! that's a great idea!! that would be an awesome opportunity 4 u 2 do! take the chance!

Nicole: I kinda like singing but I mainly write songs

Jessica: write songs?!?!!? how come i never knew u wrote songs?!?!!?

Nicole: Idk I guess I just always kept it a secret

Jessica: we tell each other everything

Nicole: I'm sorry

Jessica: it's ok I'm not mad

Nicole: great! I'm making a new song 2day

Jessica: cool!

Nicole: 2 make up 4 not telling u that 1 secret, I'll let u choose the song topic

Jessica: thnx it should be about ur feelings and how u feel about what just happened but make it serious

Nicole: oh great idea! I get it! turn a real experience that's funny in2 something's that's serious

Jessica: yah

Nicole: wow! that's an amazing idea! thnx I'll start now! bye

Jessica: no prob bye!

Then I instantly got to it. I got a piece of paper from my drawer and got a pencil. It was mechanical because I just work better with mechanical pencils. Anyway, I started off with this line: It was an opportunity that I couldn't resist to take... Then I went on.

So I did what I had to do

But I think that I made a mistake

You and I both had the same idea

Cause good minds think alike

But when we got caught

We knew it wasn't right

I think now I know the consequences

I won't ever do it again

But who the heck am I kidding

This is who I am!


So I won't stop

And neither will you

We'll do this together

And we won't split in two

It's who we are

So we won't change

Whether they like or not

We will be strange

We are the cool ones

We are the strange ones

We are the best ones

We are the new ones!

That's it! The song will be called The New Ones! It's perfect! Lets continue this song.

I know they hate us

But like we give a care

We have this love

That I hope we can share

It might not work in the future

But lets think about the present

The past in beyond us

So What we have right now is pleasant

I think now I know the consequences

I won't ever do it again

But who the heck am I kidding

This is who I aaaaam!


Then the song went on and on and it sounded so good in the end. I had finally come up with a tune so it was finished. Then I recorded it into my iPod and it was over. I then sent it to Jessica and Bernie. When they texted me back, they both said they liked it a lot. I was pleased.

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