After 3 hours of playing Just Dance, Luke came downstairs while we were doing What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. "You're still playing that game!!?!? It's been, like, 3 hours!!" Luke said as he entered the living room. Ash was still looking at the screen when he said, "What can I say? Nicole and I find it addicting."
Luke: Wow, Nicole. You're an amazing dancer. Where did you learn?
Nicole: I never really did learn. I guess I'm just talented.
Luke: Well anyway, you guys should probably end the game. It's 9:00 PM!
Nicole: But we still have some more 1D songs to do!
Luke: Fine. I tried to be nice but--(goes over to TV and unplugs the system)
(Game turns off)
Ash+Nicole: HEY!!!!!!!
Luke: It's for your own good! Now get to bed!
Nicole: I thought my bedtime was 10:00!
Luke: Not today, it isn't.
Nicole: Ugh. You're a meanie. (stomps up to room)
Luke: Yeah, real mature, Nicole!
Then when I entered my room I closed the door. Wow, I can't believe I actually liked Luke. Me and Ash couldn't play Just Dance for any longer and he made my bedtime 9:00 for today! Stupid! What a jerk! I mean, we weren't even playing for that long. We were only playing for... 3... hours. Now I know why Luke unplugged the Wii station! We were playing for so long that I didn't even notice. I shouldn't be mad at Luke. He should be mad at me. Oh, what am I gonna do? Hm, got it! I'm a genius! I'll prank Luke! But it won't be a mean prank. It'll be a fun and friendly prank. When Luke finds out that I pranked him, he'll wonder why I did a friendly joke on him and then he'll realize that I'm not mad at him and he hopefully won't be mad at me anymore. Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let me just think about what friendly prank I'll pull on him. Ooh! I know!!! I'll hide one of his guitars! He'll never suspect me! Wait, yes he will. Oh well. Now I just gotta go find his guitar. Ugh, there's so many stages to doing a simple friendly prank. Anyway, I went to Luke's room to see if he was there and he wasn't. Thank goodness! I went into his closet and saw an acoustic guitar on a stand so I took it off. I exited his room and into my room and I closed the door. I smirked to myself and hid the guitar on my closet. Just then, Luke opened my door and I immediately closed my closet. He made a confused facial expression. "Whoa, what'd you do that for?"
Nicole: Do what for?
Luke: You just slammed your closet door closed.
Nicole: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Luke: Okaayyyyy... anyway, Ashton left but there is one more person I want you to meet. There would normally be two more people but Michael is in Dakota right now. I want you to meet Calum.
Nicole: Okay, fine with me!
Luke: You're acting really weird.
Nicole: (scoffs) No way.
Luke: Okay, now I know something's up. You're hiding something.
Just then, Luke started walking closer and closer to me. I was getting more scared by the second. "No, really, there's nothing up," I said trying to get him to leave but no. He was looking down at me with his hands on his hips. I had my two arms covering the closet door. "Come on, Nicole. Spit it out," he said. All of a sudden, an idea came to thought. A great idea. I decided to use my weakness on him.
Nicole: There's nothing to spit out, Luke. But what about you? I mean, you must have some secret hidden in that genius mind of yours. Come on. Tell me.
Luke: Uh, no. There's nothing. Uh, I gotta go. Bye!
Then Luke sprinted out of my room. Wow, he must have a really secret secret. LOL. Anyway, I don't really care about his secret. I just care about mine. I'm gonna wait until Luke finds out his guitar is missing and then I'll tell him I took it. But I won't tell him where it is. He'll have to look for it. Mwah ha ha ha!

FanficNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...