"Ashton, I'm sorry. I was angry," I said. Then he said, "Ah, ah, ah. No, thank you, little miss sunshine. Maybe you will really realize what you did while you're in your room. And I would like your iPod please." I sighed and pulled my iPod out from my back pocket. He took it and then said, "Now go to your room and don't come back downstairs until I get you." I walked upstairs ashamed of what I did. I decided to play with Cocoa some more. 30 minutes later, Ashton came up to my room and said, "So, have you thought about what you've done, Nicole?" I said, "Yes, and I promise I won't do it again. Now can I have my iPod back?"
Ashton: No, no, no, you're not getting off the hook that easy.
Nicole: What do you mean?
Ashton: Nicole, what you did was really wrong. You owe a big apology to Brittany.
Nicole: Oh, hell no.
Ashton: Nicole, language...
Nicole: Ashton, I am not apologizing to that pathetic piece of poultry!
Ashton: Well sometimes you have to face the consequences.
Nicole: I wasn't the only one doing wrong. Brittany called me a piece of --
Ashton: Don't say it. And I know she did, but I can't take away her iPod and make her apologize to you.
Nicole: Ashton, please don't make me apologize. She didn't even know it was me.
Ashton: (sighs) Fine. You're off the hook for now but if you do anything like this again, there will be worse consequences.
Nicole: Okay, I get it.
Ashton: Good. Now lets forget about all this.
He gave me my iPod back and we went downstairs and watched some more TV for an hour until it was 9:30 PM. Soon enough, Calum came downstairs and said, "Nicole, time for bed." I said, "Can't I stay up a little longer?"
Calum: Nope. Bed time.
Nicole: Why do I even need to sleep at this time?
Calum: Because the younger age, the earlier time.
Nicole: When do you sleep?
Calum: That's not important.
Ashton: 11:40.
Calum: Ashton!
Ashton: Oh, sorry.
Nicole: You sleep that late!? Come on!!!!
Ashton: Yeah, come on!
Calum: Ash! Stop getting caught up in the moment!
Ashton: (mumbles) Strict.
Nicole: Fine, I'll go to bed. Good night.
Calum+Ashton: Good night.
I went to my room, changed into my PJ's, fed Cocoa, and went to sleep.
8:56 AMAfter I did everything I was supposed to do, I went to the living room and saw Luke and Calum there. They looked at me and Calum said, "Hey, Nicole. What's up?" I responded, "Not much." Then Calum said, "Uh, Nicole. Listen, Ash, Luke and I have to go to the studio again and we, uh... we can't get 1D to babysit because they are busy." I raised my eyebrows and my stomach clenched up, "Wait, what are you saying?"
Luke: Well, we're saying that the only people going to be home this afternoon is you and Cocoa.
Nicole: What? No! I can't be alone.
Calum: Nicole, I know you've bad experience being home but you've gotta face your fears. That's just life.
Nicole: No. Why can't you take me with you?
Luke: Because the studio is just not a place for you to be.
Nicole: Why not?
Calum: Nicole, the point is, you need to face your fears, okay?
Nicole: You know what? Go. I don't care. Leave me alone by myself and if something happens to me, I'll be sure to just let it happen because apparently, that's life.
I made my way upstairs and Luke tried to call me back. "Nicole, come on. We're sorry," he said. I ignored and went up to my room. I closed the door and just thought. I can't believe they thought their music was more important. Why can't they skip this one rehearsal? I guess it's way more important than me. Soon enough, I heard the door close downstairs and I started to text Taylor.
Nicole: Hey Taylor
Taylor: (5 minutes later) hey Nicole! what's up?
Nicole: bad news. the guys r leaving me alone at home because they need 2 go 2 the studio and they say I need 2 face my fears
Taylor: WHAT?!?! That's terrible! U shouldnt be alone!! do they know what they r doing?
Nicole: I know. what if something bad happens 2 me?
Taylor: u know what? I'm coming over right now
Nicole: really?
Taylor: yep I'll be there in 5.
Nicole: thnx taylor! ur awesome!! 😀
Taylor: np c u there
Nicole: Kk bye!
Taylor: bye!
I turned off my iPod but didn't leave my room. Cocoa was with me so I wouldn't feel alone. 5 minutes later, I heard the door knock. I picked Cocoa up and left my room. I opened the door downstairs and saw Taylor there. I put Cocoa down and we hugged. Then Taylor walked in and we sat on the living room couch. We kind of got off the topic of the guys leaving me alone, and we started talking about other things.
Taylor: Hey, did you hear about what Luke said to that girl, Brittany, online?
Nicole: Oh, uh, yeah, I did.
Taylor: I didn't think he would ever do that.
Nicole: It wasn't him.
Taylor: Dang right, it wasn't. He's probably like those 2 faced people in those movies who --
Nicole: No, I mean it was really wasn't him. Ashton and I hacked into Luke's Twitter and freaked out at Brittany. But I kind of went too far and got in trouble for it.
Taylor: Whoa. Didn't see that coming... Plot twist!
Nicole: (laughs)
We continued to talk and then we went upstairs with Cocoa and played around with her. All of a sudden, I heard the door open downstairs. I said, "Oh no. The guys can't know you're here. You have to get out." Taylor then said, "But how?" I started to think hard. Then I heard Ashton yell, "Nicole! We're home!" I was starting to freak out. I said to Taylor, "If they find out you're here, they'll think I never faced my fear and I'm dead. Hide!" Then Taylor rushed into my closet and closed the door. I walked out of my room acting all natural and went downstairs. I faked smiled and said, "Oh, hey again! What's up?" They looked at me weirdly. Calum said, "Nicole, are you alright? You seem happier than usual." I then said, "What? No, I'm okay."
Luke: Were you talking to Cocoa upstairs?
Nicole: Uh, no. Why?
Luke: Well, I thought I heard you talking to someone.
Nicole: Uh, actually, yeah! I was talking to Cocoa.
Calum: Nicole, are you sure you're alright?
Nicole: Uhhhh....

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...