IN THE CAFETERIAAfter getting my food in the cafeteria, I looked for a good table to sit at. But for some reason, the tables seemed to be more packed than usual. There was barely anywhere to sit. I think it was because normally the students in track and field are doing their running at lunch and are gone so it's less packed but today, I guess they have no practise. Well where am I gonna sit? The only place to sit was at a table full of boys. There was a spot beside Eli. Ugh. I knew every boys name at that table. There were 9 boys at that table. Normally 10 people can fit at a table. Ugh, it's the only place to sit. I took a deep breath and went over to the table. I thought, should I ask to sit there first or should I just go for it? Hmm... Maybe I'll ask. As I approached their table, I asked, "Umm, excuse me? Is it okay if I sit here?" They all looked at me and one of them said, "Well actually this table is -- " but before he could finish, Eli interrupted him and said, "Sure. There's enough room for you." Then Eli scooted over a bit as I smiled and sat down. I couldn't help but notice the guys just staring at me. I felt really uncomfortable. They didn't even continue to talk. It was like I came and they all just shut up. The guys at the table were named Travis, Eli, Calvin, Cameron, Zach, Zach, (there were 2 guys named Zach), Josiah, Ty, and -- oh, god. I didn't even notice Nick was at that table. He seemed to be staring at me the most. Finally someone started talking. It was Travis. Travis was a friend of Carson. He's actually quite sweet. Travis said, "So where are your other girlfriends, Nicole? Are they not here today?"
Nicole: Umm, I don't know. I didn't check.
Calvin: Really?
Nicole: Yeah. But why are they such a big deal?
Calvin: Well it's just that you always hang out with them. You know, like, Jessica, Emma, and Taylor?
Nicole: Well... I don't know where they are. But, uh, just so you guys know, I only came over here because there were nowhere else to sit in the cafeteria.
Travis: Yeah, we understand. We don't mind you sitting here.
Nick: Actually --
Eli: Shut up, Nick.
Nick: So how did he get out, Nicole?
Nicole: Huh?
Ty: Dude, don't.
Nick: That Carson dude. He was supposed to be in jail. How'd he get out?
Nicole: He -- he was bailed.
Nick: By who?
Travis: Nick, you're making her uncomfortable.
Nicole: *thinks* I was uncomfortable when I got here.
Nick: Do you know who bailed him out?
Cameron: Nick, chill out, man.
Nick: Did he come to school for you?
Zach #1: Nick, cut it out.
Nick: Did he touch you again?
Nicole: *gasps*
Eli: Nick, stop harassing Nicole already. She's been through enough and I bet she's sick and tired of all this.
Nick: Oh, I see how it is. How come Nicole has all the guys sticking up for her now, huh? First Carson, now you.
Eli: Watch your mouth.
Nick: Oh, great. Now I'm the bad guy. I'm not even gonna start anything here so I'll see you in class, Eli.
Eli: Go to hell.
Nick: Glad to. *walks away*
Zach #2: Nicole, are you okay?
Nicole: Um, yeah. I'm good.
Eli: Nick can be a real jerk sometimes, Nicole. Don't worry about him.
Calvin: Let's just eat our lunches, okay, guys?
*Everyone agrees*
Jessica's POV
"Hey, look over there, guys. I think I found her," I said to Taylor and Emma. We were looking for Nicole. She didn't come to sit with us in the cafeteria. I think it was because the track and field team had no practise today so the cafeteria was more crowded. I spotted Nicole sitting at one of the guys' tables. Aww, she got stuck with an all guys table. I hope they don't become her new posse. I mean, me, Taylor, and Emma are her posse. She just doesn't think of us as her posse. She just thinks of us as her friends which is nice but sometimes we feel like her posse.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...