It was the last period of the day and when the bell rang, I'd be able to go home! Yay! But just to come back to school an hour later. Sigh. I've been trying to behave throughout the whole day but nothing seems to be getting through to Mr. Miller. "Come on, class. Put some hands up. We all know what BEDMAS is," said Mr. Miller. Even though I didn't wanna answer, I had to go through with this behaving thing. I raised my hand high as Mr. Miller picked me. "Finally! Someone with an answer. Probably a wrong one, but at least it's an answer," he said. I scoffed as the whole class laughed. I shook it off and said, "The answer's 7." Mr. Miller nodded his head and remarked, "That is correct. Good job, Ms. Hood." FINALLY! HE'S NOTICED MY GREAT BEHAVIOUR! "But that wasn't my question," he said.
Nicole: ... Oh. 😳
Mr. Miller: My question was if somebody could come up here and explain to the class how to do this BEDMAS problem. But since you already have announced the answer, why don't you show us how you got it?
The problem is, I didn't get it. I used a calculator without using the BEDMAS term at all whatsoever. I stood up in my chair confidently and walked up to the board. I wanted it to seem like I knew what I was doing. After I was done, I went back to my seat not so confidently. I JUST PUT RANDOM THINGS TOGETHER! Oh, my goodness. This isn't gonna help. I'm dead.
"Okay, Nicole. In one hour, we're going to see Mr. Miller. Ooh, this is gonna be great! I can't wait for all the compliments!" Ashton said to me.
"And what did he mean by, 'you had an odd definition of behaving'?" Ashton babbled on while driving home. I sighed and just stared out the window. "Nicole, I am not impressed by what I heard from Mr. Miller today. I definitely wasn't expecting all of that," he continued to talk.
Nicole: Ash, it's not easy. The work is so hard.
Ashton: Then you have to work hard enough to make it not hard. I want you to get good grades. Don't you want a good profession? A good career?
Nicole: Yeah, but --
Ashton: And what's so hard about behaving? Can't you just sit in class silently for 2 minutes without falling asleep, cheating on tests, and putting gum in people's hair?
Nicole: Well maybe 2 minutes but not 50!
Ashton: Nicole, this is no joke. I'm serious. You need to get working.
Nicole: But how?
Ashton: By studying at home instead of watching TV or texting your boyfriend.
Nicole: But Matt would be so lonely without me.
Ashton: Hmm... Hey, do you know what Matt's grades are in school?
Nicole: If I told you, you'd make me break up with him.
Ashton: WHAT?!
Nicole: Never mind! Ashton, just give me one more chance. I'll behave in class and try to study harder.
Ashton: Good. That's what I'd like to hear. And I don't wanna hear anymore bad comments from Mr. Miller at the parent/teacher conferences.
Nicole: Okay.
When we got home, I went upstairs and instantly went to my closet. If I'm gonna do better in my classes, I'm gonna need to study. I grabbed a grade 8 work book that I had gotten awhile ago from... Hmm, I don't seem to remember where I got it from. I guess it's been that long since I've used it! HA HA!

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...