It was 5:01 and I had no idea what to do, like always. Then I thought, maybe I can spend some more time with Michael. I mean, he's going to be living with us now so I guess it's worth a shot. I went to his room and saw him putting some things onto a shelf. I said, "Hi, Michael," in a preppy, nice way. He turned around and said, "Oh, hi, Nicole. What's up?" I responded as I entered his room, "Not much. I'm just really bored and thought I'd talk to you for a bit." Michael chuckled and said, "Sure. What do you wanna talk about?" I was thinking we would talk about random stuff like pets and things like that but I instantly got an idea of what to talk about. It was kind of a deep topic but I don't care. It was about why some people hate me.
Nicole: Well actually, can I ask for your advice for something?
Michael: Sure, anything.
Nicole: How come people don't like me?
Michael: What people?
Nicole: Well Luke's ex-girlfriend, Hannah, oh! And a lot of people on Twitter.
Michael: Well there are usually 3 reasons as to why people might dislike you.
Nicole: Okay.
Michael: Number 1 is because they might be jealous.
Nicole: Oh, I've heard that lots of times before.
Michael: Number 2 is probably because you're not being yourself.
Nicole: Huh?
Michael: Well you may try to be someone else because they are popular or something but just because that person is popular, it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be popular too.
Nicole: Ohh, I understand. And what's the third reason?
Michael: The third reason is probably because you're annoying or obnoxious or disrespectful. You need to have respect and manners for people to like you of course.
Nicole: But I do. None of those reasons apply to me. At least, I don't think anyone's jealous of me.
Michael: Well if they are, they definitely have the right to be. You have much more better things than those pieces of trash.
Nicole: Thanks, Michael.
Michael: No problem.
I walked out of Michael's room and thought, wow. He's really good at giving advice. That actually made me feel better. I just have to be myself and -- "Nicole! Come downstairs please!" Called Ashton. I went downstairs and saw him sitting on the couch. "Yes, Ashton?" I said. I walked over to the couch.
Ash: Oh, you're here. Well I was going to ask you if you had any nail polish.
Nicole: 😏 And why would you need it?
Ash: It's not what you think, Nicole. I need it for an experiment.
Nicole: An experiment of whether pink or orange looks good on you?
Ash: Haha, very funny. I need it to see if --
Nicole: Blue matches your eyes?
Ash: No, of course not. I need to use purple because --
Nicole: You think purple suits your nails best? Ooh, I agree.
Ash: Enough! If you don't give me those nail polishes, I will steal them from your room.
Nicole: If you do that, I'm gonna --
Ash: Gonna what? What will you do, Nicole?
Nicole: ...
Ash: ...
Nicole: I'll murder you.
Ash: ...
Nicole: ...
Ash: You know, Nicole, I know a good therapist who can help you with --
Nicole: Oh, just shut up! I'll get them!
Ash: *laughs* Okay, okay.
I went up to my room and grabbed some purple nail polish from my closet. Then I went back downstairs and gave it to Ashton. He took it and said, "Thanks, Nicole." I then replied, "Whatever." He chuckled. LOL.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...