The Vamps and 1D had come over to surprise Nicole when she came home from school. We were just surprising her because she's been with us for so long and she's growing up. We wanted to make her remember us just in case anything happens. We were all just hanging, playing video games and stuff. All of a sudden, I got a call from the school.
Calum: Hi, this is Calum speaking.
School: Hello, is this the guardian of Nicole Heart?
Calum: Why, yes, it is. May I ask who's speaking?
School: This is the principle of your daughter's school.
Calum: Uh, little sister. And why are you calling?
School: I'm afraid an awful incident has occurred with your sister.
Calum: What?!? What happened?!
School: Your sister was assaulted in the halls at break and has ended up in the nurse's room. She was unable to breath and we need a guardian here as soon as possible.
School: Sir, I can assure you --
Calum: Who did this to her?
School: A grade 8 student named Hannah Russell.
Calum: What did she do to her?
School: She punched her in the stomach and Nicole had fell to the ground and stopped breathing.
Calum: I'll be there immediately. Thank you for calling.
School: You're welcome.
I ended the call and ran to the door getting my jacket and shoes on. Ashton asked me worriedly, "Calum, is everything okay?" I responded, "Can't explain right now. I'll be back soon." Then Luke said, "Just tell us if Nicole is okay." I looked at them and said angrily, "NO, NICOLE IS NOT OKAY! SHE WAS PUNCHED BY THAT JERK, HANNAH AND SHE'S NOT BREATHING!!! I'M GOING TO THE SCHOOL TO CHECK ON HER! YOU GUYS JUST STAY HERE!" Everyone gasped and I left the house and went into my car.
Okay, I hurt Nicole. Big deal. I'm sure she'll start breathing soon enough. I know what you guys are thinking. I must have no heart to not feel bad for Nicole. Well if Nicole ends up dying, that's when I'll feel bad, okay? By the way, I got expelled from school. Yeah, you think I deserve it, don't you? Well, you're next...
Hannah is such an idiot! How could she do such a thing to Nicole? I hope Nicole's gonna be alright. I mean, she wasn't even breathing. Our teachers let Emma, Jess and I sit in chairs outside the nurse's office because we were part of the scene and plus, the teachers know that we are her best friends so they thought if our best friend got hurt it would throw us off our work. All of a sudden, I saw Nicole's brother walk into the school. I think it was Luke? No, Calum! That's his name!
He looked at us and said, "Where is she?" I responded to him, "She's in the nurses office but we can't go in there yet. You're welcome to take a seat though." I said it blandly because I was really trying to keep my anger in. I could let my anger out on anyone here but I tried my best not to. Calum sat down and covered his face with his hands. I felt like supporting him. I hesitated but said, "I-it's okay. I bet Nicole's gonna be fine." Then the nurse came out of the room and Calum's face shot up. He said to the nurse, "Is she okay?" The nurse replied, "She's very badly injured I'm afraid. She's got a terrible bruise on her stomach and lost some blood eternally. But she's gonna be okay. I suggest you take her home and give her some rest." Calum took a breath of relief and so did Jessica, Emma and I. Then the nurse said to us, "And you girls should probably go home too." We were confused. We weren't hurt. The nurse continued, "You girls are probably under far too much stress to continue with your work at school. You can sit at the office and the staff will make some calls to your parents to come pick you up." We exchanged looks and the nurse finally said, "You can come check on Nicole. She's just sleeping." Emma, Jessica and I had to go to the office though. We couldn't see her at the moment.CALUM'S POV
I rushed into the room to check on Nicole. I looked at her sleeping and felt relieved. Seeing her face again warned me up. I grabbed her hand and held it tight. A little too tight I think because she immediately woke up. "Calum? Is that you?" She asked. I said, "Yes! It's me! How are you feeling, princess?" I talked really, really, really calmly to her.
Nicole: My stomach hurts.
Calum: Well you were hurt pretty badly.
Nicole: I tried, Calum. I tried telling her off.
Calum: But I said for you to tell a teacher.
Nicole: No, you said to tell a teacher if I couldn't handle it myself and --
Calum: And you tried handling it yourself.
Nicole: (sighs)
Calum: It's okay, honey. You're gonna come home and get some more rest, okay? And plus, The Vamps and 1D are waiting for you at home.
Nicole: Really?
Calum: Yes, really. I'll help you get up.
I helped Nicole get up and so did the nurse. It caused Nicole a lot of pain and I felt so bad for her. It actually cause me pain too. Eventually I got her to the car and we drove home.
I didn't want the guys to see me like this. To see me in pain. When we got home, I carefully came out of the car with Calum's help. I wasn't slumping or anything because of my stomach. I was just holding it because of how and it hurt. Calum opened the door and everyone was silent. Dead silent. Only the sound of hands slapping over their mouths out of shock. Calum led me to the couch and they all moved out of the way. I laid down and Calum said, "Okay, you get some rest now. You'll feel better when you wake up. And the guys and I will be by your side the whole time." I nodded and fell asleep instantly.
Nicole fell asleep so fast. She looked so calm when she was sleeping. Brad whispered, "Is she doing okay?" I whispered back, "Yeah, but she has a really bad bruise on her stomach and can barely move. Here, let me show you." I slowly lifted Nicole's shirt and showed everyone her bad bruise. They gasped and shook their heads. It was silent. Brad was holding Nicole's hand, Zayn was supporting her head, and I just had my hand rested over her legs. I slowly pulled her shirt back down and we just sat by her side in silence for the whole time.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...