"... And I was like, so scared. I had no idea what to do. I mean, what would you do if the only mature adult in the house's face got burnt?" I explained to Taylor, Emma, and Jessica. Jessica nodded and said, "Well I hope he's okay. That's just terrifying."
Taylor: Hey, have you guys seen the new kid?
Nicole: No, and I don't want to.
Taylor: Why not?
Nicole: Because every time a new kid comes to this school, drama breaks out. I mean, think about it. Carson, Hannah, those two friends of Hannah?
Emma: Okay, I see your point. But this kid is cute. Look. He's right over there.
Nicole: So? I'm not looking for any -- Holy shiz-nit, he's hot.
Taylor: Exactly.
Jessica: You should ask him out.
Nicole: Excuse me? DRAMA!
Jessica: But it won't start any drama.
Nicole: Guys, I can't judge him by his looks. For all we know, he could be a total --
Emma: Dick?
Nicole: Emma!
Emma: What?
Nicole: That's not what I was going to say. I was going to say jerk.
Emma: But dick works too you know.
Nicole: Whatever. Even if he was nice, I haven't even met him yet.
Jessica: He bumped into me this morning and all my books fell down so he helped me pick them up. I think I have a crush now.
Taylor: Jessica, that is so typical. Boy and girl walk in different directions in school halls. Boy bumps girl. Girl drops books. Boy helps girl. BAM! Instant love.
Nicole: You guys think way too fast.
Taylor: Ugh, let's just get this over with. Nicole, do you think he's cute?
Nicole: Well, yeah but --
Taylor: Would you like to get to know him?
Nicole: Sure, but there's --
Taylor: Would you ever date him?
Nicole: If I had the chance to, I would but you need to know that --
Taylor: Then go take your shot! *pulls Nicole up and off seat*
Nicole: TAYLOR! I don't even know his name!
Taylor: That's the whole getting to know him part. Now go!
And at that moment, Taylor pushed me towards the table he was at. I could hear Emma and Jessica laughing. Wow, real friends, eh? I looked at the boy and he must've been the cutest guy in the school. So apparently he's nice. This can't go too wrong. I walked up to the table and said, "Hi." It was awkward. All the guys at the table looked at me.
???: Oh, hi there.
Nicole: Um, are you new here?
???: Yeah, my name's Matthew but my friends call me Matt.
Nicole: Cool. I'm Nicole. Nice to meet you.
Matt: Nice to meet you too.
Emma: Looks like they're hitting it off.
Taylor: Think they're gonna get together?
Jessica: Taylor, they just met. Do you even know what his name is?
Taylor: Yeah! It's like, Marlowe or something.
Emma: Yeaaaaahhh, no.
Taylor: Martin?
Jessica: Nope.
Taylor: Morris?
Emma: Not even close.
Matt: Um, are those your friends over there? *Points to Emma, Taylor, and Jessica fighting and staring at Nicole and Matt*
Nicole: Nope, don't know 'em.
Matt: Oh, well that's too bad. The red head's pretty cute.
Nicole: Oh! You're talking about those girls! I thought you were talking about someone else. Haha. Uh, yeah, I know them.
Matt: Great. Think you can introduce me to the red head? She's cute.
Nicole: Uhh, sure thing... Matt.
Matt: Thanks. You rock.
Nicole: I know. *walks away*
Taylor: Marco?
Emma: Nope.
Jessica: Guys, shush. She's coming.
*Nicole sits down*
Jessica: Aww, you look sad. Did he turn you down?
Nicole: No. I never asked him.
Emma: Then why are you so glum?
Nicole: Turns out he thinks Jessica's the cutest one. Not me.
Taylor: Well did you catch his name? 'Cause if you did, was it any close to Marcus?
Emma: Taylor! Not the time!
Nicole: It's Matthew. But his friends call him Matt.
Jessica: No, you weren't. 😒 So he said I was cute? 😏
Emma: Geez, you guys don't know how to support a friend?! Can't you see how sad she is?!
Matt's POV
I was looking over at Nicole's table and saw her friends yelling. They seemed angry at each other, arguing and bickering. I looked at Nicole and she was just sad. Did I do something? I just had to listen in so I did.
???: Forget Taylor and Jessica, Nicole. They don't care about your feelings.
???: Yeah, Emma. Keep talking. You never care about anything.
So that girl's name is Emma.
Emma: What the hell is that supposed to mean, Taylor?
And that girl's name is Taylor.
???: Guys, just stop. This isn't making Nicole feel any better.
Feel better about what? I wonder if she already told the girl about me.
Nicole: Jessica, forget it.
So her name's Jessica. What a beautiful name. 😊
Jessica: No, we're not gonna forget anything.
Nicole: No, why would he even like me in the first place? I'm not good enough for him. *sighs*
Is she talking about me?
Nicole: All the guys that like me are total jerks and when I finally find someone who's nice, he doesn't even care. Matt's cute, respectful, and I like him a lot. I wish I was good enough for him.
She is talking about me! Hold on a sec. Nicole likes me?
FanficNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...