I didn't know the guys were friends with Ed Sheeran. But then again, One Direction are friends with him. I just knew he was standing right beside my bed, my back facing towards him. He said, "You must be the famous Nicole... It's very nice to meet you." I still didn't talk.
Ed: I'm Ed. I heard what happened between you and the guys...
Nicole: .... You wouldn't understand.
Ed: Cookies, isn't it?
Nicole: (turns around) Did Calum tell you? Ugh, he must've made it sound like it was my fault.
Ed: Actually, I'm on your side. (Sits on bed)
Nicole: (slowly sits up) You are?
Ed: Yeah, of course. I mean, fights like these are usually the ones that tear us all apart.
Nicole: But this was a really stupid fight.
Ed: But those last words you said to them weren't really stupid, were they?
Nicole: ...(sighs) I was right. I knew you wouldn't understand. Not even my own friends understand.
Ed: I do understand. I do. I've had fights like these with my girlfriends.
Nicole: With your girlfriends?
Ed: Well, ex-girlfriends.
Nicole: Oh. You mean you broke up because of fights like these?
Ed: Well, we had our differences but we did have fights like these.
Nicole: About what?
Ed: TV.
Nicole: TV?
Ed: Yep. My girlfriend wanted to watch Say Yes To The Dress and I wanted to watch the game.
Nicole: So you got in a big fight and broke up?
Ed: Yeah. You see, I can relate to these situations you have.
Nicole: So you do understand.
Ed: Yeah. But if you want to know my opinion, I think the 3 guys downstairs are feeling a little overwhelmed with this.
Nicole: Well they don't know how I feel.
Ed: But do you know how they feel?
Nicole: Well, they should feel guilty.
Ed: But what if they felt sad and they didn't know what to do. They're probably feeling really sorry.
Nicole: (sighs) Yeah, I know. You're expecting me to go downstairs and say sorry, even though I did nothing wrong.
Ed: Well, you're half right. You don't exactly have to say sorry.
Nicole: I don't?
Ed: Of course not. You just have to say something. Something nice to make them feel less overwhelmed and sad.
Nicole: Yeah, I guess I do feel kind of bad for them.
Ed: So...
Nicole: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll go.
Then I stood up and left the room. I went downstairs and saw all 3 guys standing and talking. They all looked at me and just before I could say something, Calum came running to me and hugged me really tightly. He said, "Oh, Nicole! I'm so sorry! This is all our fault! We should've listened to you! Please forgive us!" Then I said, "I forgive you." He pulled back from the hug and said, "Oh, thank goodness! I hated the silent treatment."
Nicole: (Sighs) And just so you know, guys, I didn't mean anything I said at lunch.
Ashton: We know, Nicole. You were just angry.
Nicole: The truth is, I still have those cookies in my room. There's like, 2 rows left.
I saw each of them exchange looks and then immediately, Ashton ran up to my room. As he got to my door, I saw Ed coming out and he instantly moved out of the way, against the wall. Ashton ran inside and Ed started laughing. We all laughed and I just went to the kitchen. I heard the guys talking to Ed while I was in there.
Luke: Okay, how'd you do it?
Ed: You gotta relate to her. Otherwise, she'll think you don't understand her.
Calum: You related to cookies?
Ed: No, I related to these types of fights.
Luke: Interesting. Well, thanks for talking to her.
Ed: No problem.

FanficNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...