I looked at the time and it was 7:10. I asked Luke, "Why did you come here?" He responded to me, "I just wanted to say dinner's gonna be ready soon. And we'd love to have you for dinner, Taylor."
Taylor: Wow, I'd love to. Thank you.
Luke: No problem. (Walks out)
Taylor: So how much work are you gonna put into finding out who your secret admirer is?
Nicole: All of it. Or at least, the most I can.
Taylor: Just don't let it get in between your studies.
Nicole: Too late.
Taylor: What?
Nicole: For every note that I get, a new mark for my tests come. I always get Ds and Cs.
Taylor: Oh, that's not good.
Nicole: I know. But it's not easy. Finding out who this kid is is really throwing me off track. Next time I get a bad mark, privileges are gonna be taken away.
Taylor: Well I can help you.
Nicole: Really?
Taylor: Yeah! I was always really good in school. What do you need help with?
Nicole: Well I'm doing the worst in math.
Taylor: Awesome! My best subject! Let's get started.
I got my math books out of my bag and we started. 10 minutes later, we were called down for dinner. Taylor and I rushed with our food and then went back upstairs.
I suspected something weird going on between Taylor and Nicole. They ate really fast and barely talked. I hope they're not doing anything we don't approve of. Of course not. They can't be. I mean, Taylor is 22 and Nicole is only 12. I'm getting really suspicious. I hope nothing is going on inside Nicole's room. I even asked the guys. "Hey, do you guys notice anything suspicious going on between Taylor and Nicole?" I asked.
Ashton: Are you kidding me? Of course! When I walked into their room, Taylor randomly complimented me just out of the ordinary.
Luke: I hope they're not doing anything wrong upstairs.
Calum: Yeah, you might be right. I mean, who knows what Taylor could be teaching Nicole? I mean, she's still really young.
Ashton: What if he's teaching her the number 1 class that everyone hates?
Luke: What class is that?
Ashton: You know. The one that gets quite inappropriate.
Calum: Health class?
Ashton: I'm talking about Sex-Ed.
Calum: What if he's giving her the real lesson? Giving her a chance to experience it? Using her?
Luke: We've gotta go check on them!
Ashton: No! Taylor has to go at 8:00. When Taylor leaves, we're gonna have a chat with Nicole about what they did upstairs.
Luke: Fine. What time is it now?
Ashton: 7:41. He should be leaving soon.
I looked at the time. I said, "Wait a second. What time do you leave, Taylor?" He responded, "8:00." I told him it was almost 8:00 and he started to get ready to go. When he eventually left, I felt happy because I felt like I had accomplished something. I felt like I had gotten better in my subjects. Taylor helped me a bit in every subject. 1 minute later after he left, Luke called me downstairs. When I got down there, all three of the guys were sitting in serious positions on the couch. "Can you come here please?" Asked Ashton calmly. I got a little worried about why they were calling me over. When I sat down on the couch, they all faced me.
Calum: Okay, Nicole. We need to have a very serious conversation with you.
Nicole: Oh, okay. What is it?
Ashton: What were you and Taylor doing upstairs?
I didn't want to tell them that I was studying with him because then I wouldn't exactly get full credit if I get a good mark on my next test. And I didn't want to tell them about the love notes we sorted either. I decided to use some reverse psychology to get them to tell me why they wanted to know.
Ashton: Nicole, are you gonna answer us or what?
Nicole: Why do you wanna know?
Calum: Because we have a feeling you did something that we didn't want you to do.
Nicole: And what exactly did I do wrong?
Luke: We don't know yet. But we have an idea.
Nicole: Well aren't you gonna tell me the idea?
Calum: You're a little too young to know what we are thinking.
Nicole: Are you kidding me? You think I'm too young to know what you guys think I did but you know that I did do it upstairs?
Ashton: Pardon?
Nicole: (sighs) What do you think I did?
Luke: Nicole, you tell us what you did.
Nicole: Just tell me what you think.
Calum: No, you tell us.
Nicole: No, tell me.
Ashton: Oh my god! We think Taylor was teaching you to have sex upstairs!!
Nicole: (silence)
Ashton: Phew! Now that's all out --
Nicole: How dare you?
Ashton: What?
Nicole: How could you even think that? What is wrong with you?
Calum: Nicole, we didn't mean to --
Nicole: To what? To assume I actually did "it" with Taylor!? He's 22 for god sakes!! I'm 12!
Luke: That did cross our minds, Nicole, but we thought he would be teaching you that stuff.
Nicole: Well you thought wrong. Really wrong. You know what? I can't even look at you right now.
I was going up the stairs but I stopped. Just before I went to my room, I looked at them and said, "And for your information, Taylor and I were studying upstairs. Studying. I thought you guys trusted me." I went upstairs to my room and slammed the door. What in the world just happened? I mean, who would've thought that that thought would even skim their minds, let alone think I did it? What the heck? I mean, sure, I love Taylor Lautner and stuff but for them to actually have that thought in their mind is horrendous. I looked at the time. 8:15. I don't care how early it is. I'm going to bed.
I stayed up pretty much all night thinking about what had happened. Nicole must be totally pissed off. We had to make it up to her. We're gonna be as nice as ever today and give her whatever she wants. We were all in the kitchen waiting for Nicole to come down. She leaves for school at 8:30. Soon enough, she came downstairs all ready.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...