I was just in the middle of them staring at them weirdly. What the heck are they doing? I mean, they aren't even saying anything. This is odd. "Ummm..." Is all I said before they snapped out of it. Ashton just passed me and walked up to Faith. He said to her, "Uh, hi. I'm Ashton. I don't believe we've met." He held his hand out for her to shake. She shook it and then for some random reason, HE KISSED HER HAND!! What?!?!??!?! I widened my eyes. I don't believe Ashton did that to Jessica or Taylor or Emma. I have no idea what is going on. Faith said to Ashton, "I don't believe we've met either. Uhm, I'm Faith." They smiled at each other.
Faith: I'm new to Nicole's school and Nicole and I have become good friends.
Ashton: Wow, I wish I was at your school. Then you can I would become even better friends. 😏
Nicole: 😷 *thinks to herself* What the heck?
Faith: Ooh, that sounds nice.
Ashton: I like your hair. I like girls with hair that colour.
Faith: Thanks. I like yours too. And I also think its cute when guys have dimples. It makes them look hot.
Ashton: Well that's me. Hot and sexy Ashton Irwin.
Nicole: Hello?!? I'm right here! What did I say, Ash?
Ashton: Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, Nicole. It was nice meeting you, Faith.
Faith: Likewise.
Ashton: (walks out)
Nicole: Um, okay, what was that all about?
Faith: I don't know but I kind of like it.
Nicole: Ugh, whatever. I don't really care. Anyway, this is my house. I actually --
Faith: How is that guy, Ashton, related to you?
Nicole: Oh, well, he's one of my legal guardians.
Faith: Cool.
Nicole: But as I was saying, I've lived here for a while now but --
Faith: How old is he?
Nicole: Uh, I believe 19. But anyway, when I was 4 I --
Faith: He is pretty hot for a 19 year old.
Nicole: Is there something up, Faith?
Faith: Hm? Oh, no, not at all. Sorry.
Nicole: Actually, would you mind if I took a quick break to the washroom?
Faith: No, of course not.
Nicole: Thanks. Be back in a jiffy.
I went to the washroom and I was in there for about 5 minutes and then when I went back downstairs, I saw Ashton there again. Oh, not again!! I saw him talking to Faith. He said to her, "Why are you wearing makeup? You don't need it." I rolled my eyes. She responded, "Aw, you're so kind." I walked in and rudely interrupted their conversation. "Ashton, again? Really?" He rolled his eyes, looked at Faith, WINKED AT HER, and walked out. I walked up to Faith and said, "I'm back. Seriously, what is going on between you two?" She responded, "Oh, it's nothing. Uhm, I should probably get going." I then said to her, "But you just got here." She said, "My parents are probably home by now." She took her stuff and left. Ashton walked back into the living for, like, the THIRD time in 10 minutes. "Oh, she left?" he questioned.
Nicole: Yeah. Okay, seriously, what was going on between you and Faith?
Ash: Absolutely nothing.
Nicole: Then why did you kiss her hand and constantly compliment her?
Ash: Because she is beautiful.
Nicole: Oh my gosh. Don't you dare tell me you like her, Ash!
Ash: Okay then. I won't.
Nicole: But you do like her, don't you?
Ash: Yeah, I do.
Nicole: Ash! She's 14! You are 19! You have got to be kidding me!
Ash: I'm sorry! I can't help it! She said my dimples were cute.
Nicole: Well she's my friend, Ashton. Stop trying to take her away from me.
Ash: I'm not.
Nicole: Yes, you are. You just met her and you've already gotten your hands all over her.
Ash: No, I haven't.
Nicole: Oh my god, Ash. Whatever. Just stop it. (Goes upstairs to room and closes door)

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...