Jessica explained what seemed to be her whole life story while texting me. It was really long. But I had this feeling while I was in my room. It felt like I was missing something. After texting for an hour, I heard a noise downstairs. I went downstairs to make sure everything was okay. It was 8:52 PM and nobody was downstairs. I went into the kitchen and saw nobody was there either. I got scared of being alone. I wonder what that sound was. I went back into my room and still noticed something was missing. Then I realized what it was. Cocoa. I went downstairs again and I wasn't scared because I knew she must've been downstairs. She must've been the one making the noise. I looked everywhere. I couldn't find her. I tried calling her name multiple times. Then I saw her. She was behind the TV. I called her to come to me but she went the other way. The window was open and Cocoa sat on the window sill. I wasn't scared she was going to run so I just walked up to her. Then Luke called me from upstairs and I'm guessing Cocoa got scared and jumped out. "Cocoa!" I yelled as I attempted to grab her. She ran through the front yard and onto the road. I called her name and Luke came downstairs saying, "Nicole! What's wrong?" I looked at him and responded, "Cocoa ran away!" He said, "Oh my god. Did you see her leave?"
Nicole: Yes.
(Ashton and Calum come downstairs immediately)
Calum: What happened?
Luke: Cocoa ran away.
Ashton+Calum: WHAT??!!
Nicole: She ran out the window.
Calum: Okay, uh, how about this? Luke and Ash, you guys get in the car and look around the block and I'll stay with Nicole.
Luke: Okay.
Ashton and Luke got their stuff on and left the house. Calum and I were on the couch. I tried acting calm but I just couldn't.
Calum: Don't worry, Nicole. We're going to find Cocoa.
Nicole: But what if we don't?
Calum: Well, Cocoa will have found another owner and maybe a new home.
Nicole: But what if it isn't a good home? What if she's not taken care of properly?
Calum: Nicole, just calm down for a second. It's alright. Whatever does happen, you know that Cocoa loves you.
Nicole: Then why'd she run? Why?
Calum: Nicole...
Nicole: She's gone, Calum. (starts to cry)
Calum: (hugs Nicole) Aw, don't cry, princess. It's okay.
Calum comforted me for a while and then he told me to go to sleep. It was only 9:00 but he said I needed to get my mind off this situation. I slept on the couch for half an hour. I was awoken by voices around me. They sounded like Calum, Luke, and Ashton.
Ashton: How are we going to tell her?
Luke: Oh, the poor girl.
Calum: Do you think she'll take it well?
Ashton: She'll be absolutely devastated.
Luke: How long do you think it'll take to blow over?
Calum: At least a month.
Ashton: A month?
Calum: Well, unless we distract her with other things.
I knew what was going on. They didn't find Cocoa. I said to them, "What's going on?" They looked at me and walked over to the couch. I sat up and said, "Did you find Cocoa?"
Luke: Uh, well, uhm, uh, Calum, you should tell her.
Calum: Wow, real mature, Luke.
Luke: Sorry.
Calum: Nicole, uhm, you see, well, uh... Ashton should tell you.
Ashton: What the heck?
Calum: Go on, Ash.
Ashton: (sighs) Nicole, we found Cocoa --
Nicole: You did? Where is she?
Ashton: (takes deep breath) She's -- she's dead, Nicole.
There was a huge silence as I sat there staring at Ashton in shock. Calum and Luke had put there heads down in sadness. Ashton continued and said, "We found her on the side of the road. She was hit by a car, Nicole. I'm so sorry." I sat there in shock. I didn't move. Ashton got worried. He said, "Nicole? Nicole?" He shook my shoulder and I didn't move. Calum and Luke looked up and go worried too. I couldn't move. Then I remember blacking out.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...