After lunch, me, Jessica, Taylor, and Emma finally talked for the first time today. I felt relieved that we were back together. It was so boring without them. After school, I had got home and after closing the door, I heard a noise. Like, a screech. It came from upstairs. I paused for a second and heard it again. Then I decided to call someone. "Hello? Calum? ..." I called. "Michael?" I said. I said everyone's name but no one answered. I got worried for a second. What is that screeching and why is nobody answering me? I looked to the kitchen and saw a note on the table. I walked over there not worrying to put my bag down or take my shoes off and I read it.
" - All of us went to the studio. We'll be back in an hour. There's food in the fridge and if anything happens, call us immediately. Love you!"
Well that solved that problem. But... then what about the screeching? Is somebody in the house? It seemed to be coming from my room. I wanted to call Calum but then I thought, is this big enough of a deal to call him? I thought for a second and heard the screeching again. It got louder and that's when I made the decision to run to the phone and call Calum. After dialling the #, the tone went on 2 times until Calum picked up. "Nicole? Everything alright?" He said into the phone. The screeching got louder.
Calum: What was that? Is that screeching?
Nicole: Calum, there's something going on. I've been hearing that screeching noise and its getting louder. It's coming from upstairs.
Calum: Okay, don't panic, Nicole. What room do you think it's coming from?
Nicole: My room.
Calum: Okay, I need you to go to farthest room from yours which I think is Michael's. Bring the phone with you and whisper.
Nicole: *whispers* Okay. *goes upstairs to Michael's room and closes door* Okay, I'm here.
Calum: Good, now can you still hear the screeching noise?
Nicole: Yes. And it's even louder now I'm up here. What is it?
Calum: I'm not sure. That's why you need to get off the phone with me and call the police.
Nicole: Why?
Calum: Because you don't know what it is. It could be an intruder.
Nicole: Oh, god.
Calum: Just call the police, Nicole. And fast.
Nicole: Okay. Goodbye.
Calum: Bye.
I ended the call with Calum and just as I was about to call 911, I jumped as the screeching noise was right at the door. I was breathing hard and I saw a bat by the side of the room. Oh, thank goodness Michael likes baseball! If it's an intruder, I can defend myself. I'm tired of calling the police and I'm tired of getting other people to solve my problems. I'm gonna grow a backbone and get rid of this thing. I grabbed the bat and stood in front of the door. I took 3 deep breaths. I knew what I was gonna do. I put my hand on the doorknob. I'm gonna open the door fast and whip my bat around to attack whatever thing is behind the door. I counted to three. "One... Two... Three," I said to myself before whipping the door open and slamming my bat around. The screeching screeched like it'd never screeched before. I instantly found out what the thing was. It was a bird. A freaking bird. And I... was mad at it. It scared me so bad and now it's gonna pay. The bird sat on stop of the shelf and I slowly made my way towards it holding the bat. I swung it around knocking some books off the shelf while the bird flew downstairs. I ran downstairs with the bat and the bird flew around. I swung my bat all over the place trying to smack it but it flew really fast. Swinging my bat like crazy, I started yelling too. "Get back here!" I yelled to the bird. It just kept on flying.
10 minutes. 10 minutes of swinging at that stupid bird. When will it leave?!! All of a sudden, I got an idea. I will chase it out the window. Why didn't I think of that first? I opened the window and continued to swing my bat at the bird and just as it flew out, the door opened and I heard Niall's voice. "Nicole, are you alright? Calum called and told -- WHOA," said Niall shocked. I don't know what he said whoa about. I mean, I got rid of a freakin' bird. You should be clapping! The other 3 guys walked in and said whoa too. They seemed to be scanning the house. They were looking everywhere. I turned around and looked to where they were looking and instantly knew what they were talking about. I had totally destroyed the house. I only broke 3 or 4 things but there were books scattered on the ground and chairs flipped over. It was messy as hell. My stomach got butterflies for a second and then I turned back around to see all 4 of them staring at me with wide eyes. I chuckled and said, "I got rid of a bird."

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...