"I'm home!" I yelled as I walked through the door. I had just come back from school. "Hey, Nicole! Did you have a nice day at school?" Asked Luke who was on the couch. I responded happily, "It was great! Hey, did I ever tell you how great that shirt is?" Luke immediately said, "What did you do?"
Nicole: (walks over to Luke with paper in hand) Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Your hair is looking spectacular you know.
Luke: Out with it.
Nicole: (sighs and gives paper)
Luke: Another D, Nicole? (sighs) Nicole, you really need to get your studies straight.
Nicole: But it's hard, Luke! Mrs. Martin just won't give me a good mark.
Luke: That's because you have to earn it. Nicole, one more bad mark and I'm taking away your iPod.
Nicole: Okay, okay.
Calum: Okay, okay, what?
Luke: Nicole got another D in science.
Calum: Not again, Nicole.
Luke: Yeah, again. She didn't study for the millionth time.
Nicole: Okay! I get it! I'm terrible at science! And Geography! And French! This is the 4th bad mark I've gotten! No need to rub it in my face!
Calum: Nicole, you're not terrible at any of those subjects. You just need some practise.
Nicole: Yeah, sure. (goes up to room)
I closed my door and sat down on my bed. Okay, you see, there's a reason I haven't been getting good marks lately. It's not because I haven't been studying. It's because something's been going on at school. A miracle. I've been getting these love notes from some secret admirer. I've already told Jess, Emma and Taylor and they promised to keep it a secret. They're also helping me find out who it is. I really wanna know. There are a lot of hot guys at my school. Yet, I still am a little afraid of finding out who it is. Carson liked me and you know what happened then. 😣. Anyway, I guess getting these love notes have been throwing me off my game. I pretended to throw a fit downstairs to make it sound more real. I haven't told the guys about this secret admirer because they'd freak. They would instantly assume that the guy would be like Carson. But you know what would be a wonderful miracle? If I found out who it was on Valentine's Day. But I kinda don't think that would happen because Valentine's Day is all the way on February the 14th. Today is January the 5th. It's so far away! But maybe if I don't figure out who it is until Valentine's Day, the person will reveal himself right on that day. Brilliant! I just have to keep this away from Calum, Ash and Luke. I've gotten 5 love notes from him. They're all poetry.
Dear Nicole,
Your eyes sparkle
like the stars at night
I know just from looking at you
That you're my type
My poetry may be rusty
A little corny you might say
But I'm trying my best
So that you can be my babeLove,
Your secret admirerSECOND LOVE NOTE:
Dear Nicole,
Here I am again
Trying to make you see
That I'm the one for you
And you're the one for me
I may sound desperate
But that's how I feel
Maybe I can take you out
Buy you a delicious mealLove,
Your secret admirerTHIRD LOVE NOTE:
Dear Nicole,
So I hope you've been getting my letters
I hope you've been reading them twice
Cause one day we'll laugh about this
That one day when you're my wife
No, I'm not proposing
But I hope one day I'll get the chance
I'll give you a hint who this is
It is not LanceLove,
Your secret admirerFOURTH LOVE NOTE:
Dear Nicole,
Have you been telling your friends about me?
I wonder to who
Because I want them to come to the party
When we both say "I do"
I really hope you like me
Though you don't know who this is
That's because I don't have the guts
To see those lips without a kissLove,
Your secret admirerFIFTH LOVE NOTE:
Dear Nicole,
You must think I'm stupid
Writing you these notes
But when you discover who I am
We can all have a toast
We can celebrate the beginning
Of a beautiful friendship
I don't know what rhymes with friendship
I'm sorryLove,
Your secret admirerThat was the last note I got. I found it quite funny. I've been keeping all these notes under my bed in a shoebox.

FanficNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...