12:24 PMI woke up really late. Hm, no wonder. I didn't have such a good sleep. I fed Cocoa and did everything I was supposed to do but I didn't bother changing out of my PJ's because I wasn't in the mood to. Then I went downstairs. Of course, the guys weren't there because they must've already eaten breakfast without me. I made myself some Nutella and then watched some TV. Soon enough, Luke came down and said, "Hey, I didn't know you were awake." I responded with, "I woke up, like, 15 minutes ago." Then Luke sat down beside me and said, "So, Nicole. You mind explaining to me what last night was all about?"
Nicole: Nothing.
Luke: Really? Nothing? Nicole, you were caught in the kitchen in the middle of the night multiple times.
Nicole: I just wanted a snack.
Luke: Well, didn't you eat dinner?
Nicole: Yeah, but I wasn't hungry then.
Luke: (sighs) Just promise me you won't do that again?
Nicole: Fine.
Soon enough, Calum and Ashton came downstairs. But for some reason, Calum seemed as happy as ever as if he had a great sleep or something. He came downstairs and said, "Hey, Nicole! How are you today?" I felt very warned up and smiled. I said to him, "Good, thank you." He smiled too. But I could see that Ashton and Luke were making confused faces as if they didn't know why we were being so nice to each other. Luke said, "Hey, Nicole? Do you mind getting my wallet from my room?" I nodded and went to Luke's room.
I was very confused as to seeing Calum and Nicole being as happy as ever with each other after last night. Luke said to Calum, "Okay, what's going on?"
Calum: I talked to Ed on the phone this morning.
Ashton: Oh! I get it now!
Calum: He gave me some advice on how to get her to be nicer without any discipline.
Luke: And that advice was the be nice to her first?
Calum: Yep. It warms her up and makes her day.
Then Nicole came back down.
I said to Luke, "I couldn't find your wallet, Luke. Sorry." Then he replied, "Oh, I just remembered! Its in my coat pocket! That's okay. I'll get it myself." I responded, "Okay!" very happily. I went upstairs to my room and pulled out my iPod. I turned it on and saw that Emma had invited me to a group chat with Jessica and Taylor. I joined it and saw many texts already texted. Emma was busy rampaging on about the guys.
Emma: I'm telling u! they were the hottest things I've ever seen
Jessica: oh thank goodness! Nicole's here!
Taylor: please tell Emma 2 stop talking about the guys
Nicole: Emma did u honestly think they were that hot?
Emma: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taylor: Emma! u have got 2 get over them! they r like, 18!
Nicole: well Calum and Luke r 18 and Ash is 20 I believe
Jessica: which one did u find the hottest Emma?
Emma: Calum
Nicole: hmmm interesting
Emma: who's the youngest? I need to be closer to someone's age
Nicole: Emma plz stop
Taylor: ha!!!! Lol
Nicole: whatever. I don't care if u like him
Jessica: u r so lucky 2 have 3 hotties in the house
Nicole: I've heard that b4
Emma: I wish I was there
Nicole: all u have 2 do is get tanned, get glasses, cut ur hair and lose some inches
Taylor: what does lose some inches mean?
Nicole: it means get shorter
Jessica: oh I get it! that's funny!
Emma: but then u would have 2 grow ur hair longer, somehow make ur skin pale, get contacts, and grow a lot!!!
Nicole: ha ha very funny. I get it, I'm short.
Emma: I'm sorry it was so tempting.
We talked for a few more minutes until we all exited he group chat. I went downstairs as saw everybody sitting on the couch. But I don't just mean Calum, Ash, and Luke. I mean Calum, Ash, Luke, Ed, Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Justin. I didn't know they were hosting a party. But I was thinking that was way too many people. I would probably embarrass myself. Besides, even though I've met them all before, I still don't wanna say hi. Nobody saw me so I just sneaked back into my room. But for some reason, I got sleepy. Like, I really wanted to take a nap. I laid in my bed and fell asleep.
I was having lots of fun with everybody here surprising Nicole but for some reason, I hadn't seen her. I thought she would've come downstairs already. I said out loud, "Hey, I'm just going to check out Nicole, okay?" Everybody said okay and I went to Nicole's room and opened her door. That's right. I don't give her any privacy because I'm her brother. I walked in and saw Nicole fast asleep on her bed. Hm, that's odd. She doesn't usually take naps during the day. But maybe she was really tired after texting her friends for so long. I always wondered how you can get tired from that. Anyway, I was about to go downstairs and tell everyone that she was asleep but I had a better idea.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...