We all piled up in the car and drove off. I was excited to go bowling. When we got there, we bought the shoes and started to play. When it was my turn, I saw a pink bowling ball come. I widened my eyes and took it. I looked down the alley and stared at the 10 pins. I took a deep breath before I took 4 steps and rolled the ball. It rolled straight. Like, really straight. Too straight. I got a split. I groaned and Luke and Ash started laughing at me. Calum was on my team. But I didn't choose Calum because he's my bro. I chose him because he is really good at bowling. When Calum saw me get a split, he walked up to me and whispered something in my ear. After whispering it to me, I saw Ash and Luke were confused. I smirked and grabbed a purple bowling ball for my second turn. I took another deep breath and took 3 big steps this time and rolled the ball down the alley. This time it wasn't so straight. I was aiming for the right pin. I was in so much suspense thinking about whether I'd get both pins or not. Soon enough, the ball rolled over to the right pin, knocked it down to the left, and pushed the left one down too! I said to myself, "Yes!!" Calum and I high-fived each other. Luke and Ash didn't seem so happy though. When it was Ashton's turn, he tried bribing Calum into telling him what he told me. Calum didn't give in. Then Ashton tried bribing me. It was hard to say no to $50 but I had to. For Calum. He would've been mad at me if I told him the secret. And I'm not gonna tell you guys either! Anyway, after Calum and I WON the game, we all bought some food. Delicious food. It was 10:01 AM when I checked the time.
Calum: So, Nicole, is it a blue day anymore?
Nicole: Nope. It's great.
Luke: That's good.
Nicole: Now do we go home?
Ash: Yeah, sure.
We all got our stuff, gave the shoes back and went home. When we got home, I opened the door and I went to my room. When I got to my room, I sat on my bed and just as I was about to text Jessica, I realized I was a little too tired. Maybe I'll take a nap and then text Jessica. Good night!
I woke up feeling weird. But not a bad weird. A good weird. It was odd. I stood up and felt light as ever. I looked at the time and it was 2:03. I slept for 4 hours. Anyway, I went downstairs and saw Ashton and Luke watching TV. Ashton saw me and said, "Well, hello there, sleepyhead. Did you have a nice sleep?" I looked at him and responded, "Yeah, I did."
Luke: Going bowling must've really made you tired.
Nicole: I guess. But for some reason, I feel really weird. Like, when I got up, I felt lighter.
Ashton: Ooh, that happened to me once.
Nicole: If you're going to tell a story about it, tell it to Luke. I'm grabbing something to eat.
Ashton: Don't worry, I'm not going to tell a story. Not this time.
Then I went into the kitchen and saw cookies on the table. Wow! Jackpot! Calum must've made them. This is awesome. I took one of the cookies and took a bite. I chewed and chewed and chewed and -- BLECH! I spit the cookie into the garbage and drank some water. That was the grossest cookie I have ever tasted! Oh, my god! I'm gonna need an explanation. I went back into the living room and just as I was about to say something I saw Ash talking to Luke. He said, "And then when I woke up, I felt different. Like, I was walking on clouds." I groaned and interrupted him.
Nicole: Guys, what's up with the cookies in the kitchen?
Luke: Oh, those were cookies? They tasted like a quiche made out of garbage.
Nicole: I know, right? Where are they from?
Ash: Somebody left them on our doorstep and we don't know who.
Nicole: Well whoever they are, they are REALLY bad cooks.
Ash: I haven't tasted one yet.
Nicole: Don't. You'll spit it back out.
Ash: Are you sure they're that bad?
Luke: Yeah! I never knew cookies could ever taste so... terrible.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...