Calum looked surprised and said, "What was that?" I had to tell him everything before Carson came up. "It's Carson, Calum! He texted me! I swear, I was going to tell you! I'me so sorry! Carson got out of juvy and now he's inside the house!" Calum stood up and said, "What!?" It was an angry 'what', but it didn't seem like he was angry at me. He was more angry at Carson. I saw Calum go to his closet, grab a bat, pull it out, stop, put it back and say, "No, I'm going to kill him with my bare hands. You stay here, Nicole. DON'T leave this room. You hear me?" I nodded as Calum left the room and shut the door so now I was alone in Calum's room not knowing what could happen. I heard what was going on downstairs. Every single bit of it. I heard Calum run down the stairs and yell, "Ashton! Luke! Get downstairs now!" Then I heard Ashton and Luke run downstairs and ask, "What was that sound? Is something wrong?" I heard Calum yell after that, "Oh, you bastard." He found Carson. I felt like crying. My heart was beating so fast. Carson started talking and I could hear the smirk in his voice.
Carson: Oh, hey, guys. Just looking for Nicole, you know where she is?
Carson: I sense there's a problem here.
Luke: Yes! You get out right now before we call the police!
Calum: No, I'm gonna make him regret everything he's done.
I knew Calum was about to do something to Carson. I had to watch. I opened the door just a little watching Calum push Carson into the wall.
Carson: Ooh, big man, aren't you? What are you gonna do? You guys wouldn't hurt a fly. Come on. Come at me, bro. I ain't afraid.
Luke: Calum, enough! Get away from him! He's just trying to make you mad.
Calum: No! I'm not leaving him! You guys call the police. I'll keep him here. YOU'RE NOT STEPPING A FOOT NEAR NICOLE, YOU HEAR ME?!
Carson: Sorry, could you repeat that again? I wasn't paying attention.
Calum: I swear he's getting on my last nerve. Call the police right now!
Ash: *calls 911* Okay, I called them. They're on their way.
Calum: You really didn't think this through, did you, buddy?
Carson: Nah, man. Right now I'm kinda just winging it. *Slides under Calum's wide open legs* Catch ya' later. *Runs to Nicole's room*
Oh, my god. He knows I'm in Calum's room! He must've glanced at me. I shut the door and leaned against it holding the handle making sure he can't get in. I heard grunts and thumps and then I felt the doorknob move around. It hurt my hand to hold the doorknob because he was so strong but I kept my grip tight. Just then, the door just flew open and I fell to the ground hitting my head on the table. It felt like it was bleeding. I looked up to see Carson smirking down at me. "HELP!" I screamed. I saw Luke running into the room and grabbing Carson's arms before throwing him down on the ground. Carson rolled to the side, got up, and attempted to punch Luke in the face, but Luke was too tall and dodged with almost no effort. Then Ashton and Calum came in and taught Carson a lesson. Calum pushed him to the ground and punched him as Ashton said, "Listen here, pig! You better stay away from Nicole and NEVER, EVER come back here!!!Dare lay a finger on her and I SWEAR, it'll be the last use of your fingers you'll ever use," Ashton pushing Carson against the wall for every emphasis on his words. Moments later, the police came through the door in a pack downstairs and ran up to the room seeing me with a bleeding forehead, Luke and Carson on the ground, and Calum and Ashton standing above Carson. The police yelled to Carson, "PUT YOUR HANDS OUT WHERE WE CAN SEE 'EM!" Carson did as they told and said, "Is that a challenge, Mr. Irwin? Be careful how you phrase your words, because if I'm not mistaken, you have just dared me to do something that you will regret," as calmly as ever. No one responded. As the police took Carson away, more police officers led Calum, Luke, Ash, and I outside to where ambulances were. They had to check if we were okay. Luke, Ash, and Calum were perfectly fine but I apparently had to get stitches. We went to the hospital and hours later, we came back home at 9:32 and I was so tired, I just slept without eating anything. I had a long day. But one question appeared in my head. Should I keep this to myself? I thought I should. It wasn't exactly the piece of information to be going around telling everyone that this happened.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...