Chapter 205

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"So can somebody tell me the answer?" Asked Mr. Amell. He came in as a substitute for Mr. Miller. I raised my hand attempting to be considerate and participate in the work. "Yes, over there in the purple?" He asked me. (Yes, I was wearing purple). I answered, "Is it 14?" He replied, "that is correct. Good job." I felt good inside. I promised to do better in class and I will. Mr. Amell got a stack of worksheets from his desk and started handing them out. After he finished handing them out, he said, "You have until lunch to work on these. They're pretty easy so if you don't finish them by lunch, you have detention." I looked at the clock. There's 35 minutes 'till lunch. The work did look pretty easy so I started to work. 5 minutes into it, the class got louder and louder. Mr. Amell didn't mind because earlier in the day he said it wasn't his time they were wasting. It was their own. I agree. I was pretty much the only person working. Well, me and Matt. We weren't sitting near each other though. He was all the way at the back of the class. I had glanced at him and he glanced at me and we both continued to work. All of a sudden, my pencil broke. The class sharpener was jammed and I didn't have an extra pencil. Or a miniature sharpener. There was a kid in front of me who was throwing paper airplanes to his friends and I noticed he wasn't using his pencil. Maybe I could ask to borrow it. I tapped on his shoulder and said, "Excuse me? Do you have an extra pencil I can borrow?" He stopped throwing the airplanes and looked at me. He then smirked and said, "For you, baby, I could." I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm serious."

???: Why would you need one anyway?


While I was working, I glanced at Nicole who was talking to Jack. I know Jack. I don't like him 'cause he's rude and a player. I hope he's not hitting on Nicole. But I couldn't care less because I know Nicole would never cheat. I tried to listen in on their conversation just in case.

Nicole: Umm, hello? I need it for work. Sound familiar to you?

Jack: I'm Jack. And you are?

Nicole: Taken. Listen, if you don't have a pencil, I'm glad to ask my boyfriend.

Jack: Who's your boyfriend?

All of a sudden, I saw Nicole stand up and walk my direction. She approached me and then looked back at Jack. "This sucker," she said. I couldn't help but smile. She put her hand on my shoulder and asked me, "Hey, Matt? Mind if I borrow a pencil?" Luckily, I had an extra one so I said, "Yeah, of course, babe." I got it out of my desk as handed it to her. She said, "Thanks," and I replied, "No problem." She then made her way back to her desk and I heard her say to Jack, "You can go back to your useless paper planes." Jack frowned and turned around. God, I love her.

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