I woke up on the same couch I was on before and my head was hurting deeply. I groaned and looked at Ashton who was sitting on the edge of the couch watching TV. He looked at me and rubbed my cheek with his hand and said, "Oh, Nicole. How are you feeling?" I responded, "My head hurts really badly."
Ashton: Yeah, that's one of the side effects.
Nicole: Side effects of what?
Ashton: Well, while you were sleeping, we had to give you some medication. We had searched it up online. But the good news is, today was the last day of your other medication.
Nicole: And what's the bad news?
Ashton: Who said there was bad news?
Nicole: There's always bad news.
Ashton: Today's the first day of your new medication.
Nicole: (groans).
Ashton: I know. It's okay, Nicole.
Nicole: No, not that. It's my head.
Ashton: Oh, don't worry. But, uh, how are you feeling about the other thing?
Nicole: (sighs) Terrible.
Ashton: I know, Nicole. We all lose somebody in our lives but we just need to remember to move on. Okay?
Nicole: Yeah, whatever.
Ashton: (sighs) I called everyone we know and told them about what's happened.
Nicole: I still need to text Jessica, Taylor and Emma though, right?
Ashton: Yeah.
Nicole: I can do it now.
I stood up and went up to my room while my head was still pounding. I grabbed my iPod and turned it on. But I saw I had already gotten a text from Taylor. It said, "Nicole, u won't believe whats happened." I texted back.
Nicole: I bet u I can after what's been going on with me. u go first
Taylor: (5 minutes later) My big sister, Kayla, hit a cat on the road 2 hours ago
Taylor: Nicole?
Taylor: hello?
Taylor: R u there?
I sat there in silence. No, it can't be. This isn't true. No. I then saw 3 other texts and responded finally.
Nicole: Taylor I have something 2 tell u
Taylor: what is it? R u alright?
Nicole: 2 hours ago cocoa died when a car hit her
Taylor: omg! this is so bad! r u saying Kayla hit Cocoa?!
Nicole: yes and I can't believe it's true
Taylor: Nicole i don't know what 2 say except I'm so sorry. I have 2 tell Kayla and I really am shocked. speechless
Nicole: hey can u do me a favour and tell Jessica and Emma about this 2? I can't talk about this anymore. I feel like throwing up
Taylor: sure anything 4 u Nicole
Nicole: I have 2 go ttyl
Taylor: bye! 😘
I turned off my iPod and thought for a moment. I can't believe it. I have to tell the guys. I went downstairs and this time, saw all 3 of them. Calum said, "Hey, Nicole. How are you feeling?" I walked up to the couch.
Nicole: Guys, uh, there's something I have to tell you.
Luke: What is it, Nicole?
Nicole: (sighs) Taylor. Taylor's sister, Kayla, hit Cocoa.
Calum: (pauses) What? What do you mean?
Nicole: Well, how much clearer can I get, Calum?! Kayla ran over Cocoa with her car and there's nothing to do about it!
(Huge pause)
Nicole: I'm sorry.
Ashton: Nicole, don't be sorry. This just made everything more overwhelming, didn't it?
Nicole: My best friend's sister... is responsible for Cocoa... (Voice cracks up) and she's gone.
Luke: Oh, Nicole. (Hugs) We're so sorry. I wish there was something we could do.
Calum: Nicole, you are clearly very tired and overwhelmed and sick of all this. How about this? We're going to go out and get our minds off this, okay?
Nicole: You can try, Calum. I doubt it'll work.
Calum: Come on. Get your stuff on. We're going out.
I got my shoes and jacket on and so did Cal, Ash, and Luke. We went into the car and it was a very silent drive. Ash tried turning up the music but it didn't make me feel any better. I didn't even know where we were going. When we stopped driving, I noticed we were in a parking lot and I looked a building in front of us. We had gone to a restaurant. I sighed as we went in, approached our tables and got our menus. The waitress asked if I would like some crayons and a colouring page and I looked up to her and said, "No, I'm not a kid. Geez." I showed a bit of attitude out of anger and Luke said to the waitress, "Oh, please don't mind her. She's not feeling very well. I'll be sure to give you a tip on our way out." The waitress chuckled and nodded as she walked off. I looked up at Luke and said, "Really? Flirting with a waitress, Luke?" I looked back down at my menu and everybody was silent. They sighed and then I saw Calum get up. He left somewhere but I didn't know where.
I really just want Nicole to feel better so this is what I'm going to do. I left the table and went outside to the car. I pulled out my phone and called the one and only, T-Swizzle. I know Nicole's a fan but that's not the reason I'm calling Taylor. I'm calling her for many reasons.
1. Taylor has experience with depression and losing loved ones.
2. Nicole would probably talk more comfortably to a person her gender.
3. Nicole can't possibly give attitude to her favourite singer.
4. Taylor could give some advice to Nicole on how to get over these things.
That's 4 reasons why I'm calling Taylor. Plus, Taylor lives only 20 minutes away from this restaurant so I just have to keep Nicole here for 20 minutes more.
Soon enough, the waitress came back around and asked if we were ready to order. She came around to me but Ash whispered to the waitress immediately, "Um, I have a feeling she's not going to take whatever you say very well so she'll just order the pasta." The waitress nodded and left. Ashton thought I didn't hear what he said but I did. I looked at him and just as I was about to say something, he interrupted and said, "Ah, I know you might've heard me but it was to save the waitress from having a bad day, okay?" I slumped back in my seat in silence as Calum came back.

FanfictionNicole Love is just a normal 12 year old girl in grade 7. She loves music and she's quite the prankster. But when she hears that her parents have to leave her, she's a little shocked. Her parents are staying in a place with no reception or bars so t...