Chapter 1

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Having explored the inside of the manner you settled on one of the rooms claiming it as your own. The tall walls were framed along the top and bottom by white trimmings while a large windowsill was fixed into the wall across from the room's main door. A bathroom was conjoined to the room but you weren't bothered enough to peek in knowing that it would have the same plane looking interior.

The house did lack a bit of character.

Throwing your arms up and laying back into the plush bed, the large white sheer princess canopy above came quickly into view. The small little stars woven into it were really the only decorations within the room itself, and you could only be glad that there was at least something that wasn't plain.

A knock on the door dragged you away from dozing off and a soft 'come in' was uttered out from between your lips, head turning to see who was at the door.

"Liking your new room?" The slim (H/C) haired woman from the carriage swung open the door gently, her pale yellow dress almost blended in with the hallway but it was fitting to the woman's personality.

A nod was given before you gave a response, "It's nice, I'd just have to put my things in here, and then it'll be perfect." Rolling onto your side a hum slipped through your nose. "What about you? Are you liking the new house?"

Watching her softly caress the doorframe she let out a hum as well, her eyes drifting across the room's décor agreeing nonverbally with your comment. "It's a very nice house. But it does need some redecorating." The two became quiet once more, the atmosphere was calm and the mutual understanding between the two was clear.

A clap broke the silence and right away your attention was back on the woman, her eyes sparkled upon realizing the actual reason she'd dropped by. "Oh! Before I forget, we've been invited to our neighbors' house for some tea."

Once again a nod was given and the woman left leaving you to freshen up a tad before leaving.

Arriving at your neighbors' house the structure itself was quite surprising, you'd come to the assumption that it would also be like most of the white coloured houses others owned. But it was not, the roofs were a vibrant green while the siding consisted of a mix of browns.

Standing before the building's front doors you stood beside your father who in turn stood tall between your mother and yourself. His knuckles rapped against the door before stopping returning back to his side.

A few seconds passed by till one half of the door opened, a lean man now occupied it. His navy blue hair was unique in your opinion, never had you seen anyone with blue hair before. Bushy eyebrows sat beneath two strands of curly hair while bright blue eyes brightened upon landing on you three.

"Ah Mr and Mrs.(L/N), please come in." Stepping aside the man's lips curled into a smile, the top of his lip being covered by a neatly trimmed mustache. "I see you've brought your daughter with you." Another smile was given and the older man's kind expression was aimed towards you.

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